YMMV Since it sounds like you don’t want to buy and DYI the install, probably need to call around or even visit local dealers or dealers in the radius you want to travel to. I think a lot of dealers no longer respond to phone calls asking about HV batteries.
If it has to be installed by a dealer, then figure out how far you're willing to travel and call the dealers in that radius for a part/installation quote. Why do you feel the HV battery is failing, or needs replacing?
They say NO LONGER AVAILABLE=G951047031 - Battery assembly, hv supply. Electrical, wiring, cable - Genuine Toyota Part
That may be true, and my local (but remote) parts guy said the regional warehouse delivered a new HV battery in only 5 days just last week.
Good topic! If youre planning to get an upgrade HV battery, which one would you get for the gen 2 that's better than the original?
Gen 2 and 3 same cell count and battery just different cases. Go with a lithium upgrade like Dr Prius. They swear by it. I couldn't get it wen mine failed do new toyoda it was . I don't think I'll easily be convinced that $800 more in cost over my Toyota battery is going to yield me that much money in performance per se and I don't know how long that lithium will last I know that my Toyota factory battery lasted 19 years and some months never was touched and I'll take that as just good Panasonic cells or whatever. So we'll try for that same length of time again of course the car will have a million miles on it by then so I doubt it'll make it and I don't know if I have another car to put this battery in but that's another hole bunch of worms
Good plan. Eventually everyone will need one. It’s useful in the interim to keep abreast of prices and availability. At least the price trend is in the right direction. My 2007 OEM still gets 55mpg on highway at 65mph and 60mpg in city at nearly 200k miles. Dr Prius says 65% life left. I drive on flat terrain so no issues with battery depletion. Could be something else intervenes with the car that makes the battery issue moot. Some idiot in a Tesla nearly T-Boned the car in front of me as the Tesla was running a red light the other day.