I was watching Numbers last night and there was a 2 or 3 second shot of the Dweeb mathematician brother walking down the street and starting to get into a blue Prius. Are we getting mainstream or have we just risen to "dweeb" level?
Still at the dweeb level unfortunately. Two and a Half Men has had a Prius for awhile now, although it is the geeky brother that has one, not cool Charlie Sheen.
There was one in the movie "In Her Shoes," too, driven by the sweet but geeky fiancee (Simon) of Toni Collette's character Rose.
:lol: Nah, not after the mom who sells MILF weed in the show WEEDS got a Prius!! :lol: :lol: Its going Mainstream BABY!! B) B)
The lead character on New Old Christine (? Dreyfuss' new show) has one and I think it made it into some dialog even. However, the character is pretty dorky.
I was flipping channels about an hour ago. It was on "E" channel. I believe that is channel 67 here. They were mentioning Nicole Richy was looking much better (weight). The interviewer was saying she just stepped out of a gold Prius. I could not tell what car it was but it was not a Prius. I do not know if that was meant as a good comment or not. :huh:
Being politicaly correct, we don't like to assign bad behavior to any group, but yea, it's kind of like ham radio and other geek hobies ... it does tend to draw a certain element (speaking from experience).
Considering Weird Al is shown with one in "White and Nerdy", I think there's definitely a stereotype going on.