Hello, Just completed Spark Plug Change, Egr/Cooler cleaning, Intake Manifold and Throttle Body cleaning on this 2012 with 122,000. As soon as I turned engine on I got a PO113 code. Any ideas why? Thanks!
oem plugs from dealer? are the air filter box and connections sealed properly? all excess cleaner removed from the throttle body?
Yes, plugs are from dealership, everything was dry and sealed. Scanned for code and erased it, took for test drive for several miles. So far code hasn't come back. I'm crossing my fingers!! After those tasks, especially EGR/cooler and intake manifold, I don't want to see anything under hood for awhile. That wasn't easy for elderly person
As a tip for future questions of that sort, it can help to remember that the second character in a DTC can only ever be a digit 0, 1, 2, or 3, and will never be a letter O. So if you do your searching for P0113, and not for PO113, you are likely to get more search hits and better information.
Thanks for that advice. Started it up this morning, now engine feels like it's about to stall, any help appreciated. I don't want to call dealership for service yet!
Now engine will not stay on for more than a few seconds. Car not showing check engine light, but again it's very rough when engine is on. Disconnected and reconnected battery no help, Please advise.
No codes still? How did the EGR and intake manifold cleaning go? Did you disassemble the EGR valve? Coolant spillage? MAP and MAF sensors plugged in? Throttle body installed with torque wrench? Ditto for intake manifold? (torque values in first link in my sig, in the intake manifold pdf) Did you clean the intake ports? Around the fuel injectors?
No,. Just code yesterday during first start. I thought car was running fine yesterday after short test drive! I'm removing inlet manifold again. I'll see if I got some debris on PVC valve by mistake, like an idiot I tried installing wrong side of dirty hose into PVC valve. I thought I cleaned it enough,but that's probably not issue. Let me tell you few things, I reused all seals, I thought they looked fine, when I tightened spark plugs, I went between quarter and half turn. Didn't have correct torque wrench.
Torques probably fine. For future ref, spark plug torque is 13 ft/lb, with clean/dry threads. Throttle body hold-down nut/bolt and intake manifold bolt specs in aforementioned link. Gaskets are likely fine. I didn't replace any when doing our EGR/intake, albeit at 70K kms. Yeah, obviously, check all the connections. Throttle body electrical connector for example: would car even run if it was off??
Woops, for some reason before I was only able to read a few lines of your last text. I did clean all the ports, cleaned some of debris on engine side of intake, didn't mess with injectors
Put inlet manifold, throttle body back on , seems still a bit rough. Took for spin, seems to have good acceleration. I'm hoping it will get better the more I drive it?? Dread tomorrow morning when I start it, hopefully better not worse! One thing, there is a whining noise at idle. I don't know if it's more pronounced because idle maybe different than before work done? Thanks for everyones advice!
If the EGR was dirty it's possible that the intake manifold is also plugged up. Those are hard to clean. The dealer would probably recommend replacing both with new parts once and for all, problem gone.
You must have forgot to plug something back in. Or one of them might be lose. You’ll need to double check if all wires and hoses are connected back in.