I’m at Busch gardens with my daughter… Last night I discovered that my keys were missing probably got flung out of my pocket on a ride… I am 1.5 hours from my home. At home I have an old key fob that I was not using because it got soaked in a swimming pool… The batteries completely seized and its position on the fob… Will the chip still work if press directly against the start button? The electronics look pretty nasty on it. The good fob was lost With the keys. Lost and found hasnt found anything yet. Here are my options... 1. Get a ride home and hopefully that key fob that is completely corroded will work 2. Hire a locksmith that can produce another fob. 3. Have locksmith open car and we do the “jump start” with jumper cables on the fuse box Any other suggestions? Thanks for the help!
it will if everything is okay with it, but i can't promise that. weigh the effort vs getting a tow to a dealer and coughing up $1,000.? which may happen anyway. or with the old for, they 'may' be able to program a second for $400. another thought, try some mobile locksmiths and describe your problem.
The corroded key will work. Using Thechstream or the equivalent, a Toyota dealer or locksmith can program another key and remove the lost key from the system. Since you have the corroded key, the system needs not be reseeded as if all keys are lost.
i lost my rental car keys in disneyworld in 1985. i rented it in the keys and drove one way to orlando. i thought i was out of luck, but at the end of the day, we went to lost and found and some kind person had turned them in.