Spent $560 a month ago at the dealership fixing my blind spot monitor since they told me the error won't clear until its fixed. They said it might come back and then cost even more to replace the back panel where the monitor is housed. Well its back and I'm perplexed that a company would force you to fix a non essential component of its car to continue using its display normally. Why can't I just disable the monitor entirely? I've never needed it - I know how to check blind spots.
I Had a small fender bender that only scratched the rear right bumper and I ignored it and after about a week I had the BSM error, took it to the dealer and I was told it's tricky to fix and most likely they'd need to cut and replace the inner panel and would cost around $ 1500 . So I just disabled it which can easily be done through the steering wheel controls that control the main screen . Not sure if this option is available on all cars sold in all markets .
I had a similar experience. I scraped the right rear panel in a parking lot and about month later the BSM error appeared. It took about $4,000 to repair as it seems the rear bumper and much of the rear of the car needs disassembling to access the radar module. The radar itself is about $1,000 and requires a complicated calibration process. The panel itself is plastic and easily deforms to hit the radar module. kevin
that happened on our '13 hycam, but was recalled. would have been over a thousand if we had to pay for it, took them a whole day. by the time we got it to the shoppe and got it back, we had gotten used to not having it, and shut it off. i never liked it anyway, the beeping would drive me crazy, and without the beeping, you have to watch the lights. easier to set the mirrors correctly and turn your head imo.
Yeah, this is literally like the second biggest reason I opted for a stripped down Two Eco. Fewer gadgets to go bad that require repair or replacement.