Our 2007 Prius lost braking power (mushy ,weak ) last week, fortunately, while backing out of the driveway. At some point my friend realized the fob slot would not lock on to fob and it kept popping out making the car un-startable. I am told that for past few months, the fob unlocked door but would not start car unless inserted in slot. Now, neither fob works, Fob batteries were replaced this winter. Car has been towed to a competent mechanic, who has not been able to get car started.... I supposed it needs to go to a toyota trained mechanic, we just want to avoid high cost of dealership repairs. oh and then brakes need fixing . Ideas? Suggestions?
My good friend with the prius that used to be my prius is playing a gig now. so I will answer. I don't believe the car was responsive in any way. A few months ago this prius would not get up and go, This mechanic found a blown fuse in the box that attaches to small battery in back. There was also an issue then of the fob NOT releasing from the fob plug receiver. Some how it was straightened out so my friend could use car for a few months. I was wondering how big a job it would be to replace the fob receiver unit, I imagine they won't be too hard to find used. Is it likely a mechanical/relay assembly that holds the fob in?
have the 12v load tested for free at an auto parts store. the fob rx is under the center console iirc. you might need a brake actuator (expensive) how many miles on her?
170k-ish 12v battery is not too old Brakes seem to have suffered a sudden failure, my friend describes it as a master cylinder leak. first step is to start it, so i help my friend find a fob rx. I was thinking that the mechanical slot that receives the fob has somehow failed. In my searches , never found anyone report a failure of this part.... whatever, we have to start somewhere. Thanks. send suggestions / ideas
when my dashboard went out, on of the signs was the key would not release and car would not power on/ off intermittently. Once a control panel was put in, no more issues. There was tricks I did to get the car to turn off but I don't remember what there were.
Hold down the power button for several seconds and it will turn off. Pretty much like turning off a desktop computer.
Rather than shoot it with the part swapping machine gun, a mechanic familiar with Prii would be the best starting point. Is this an SKS model that can start the car with the FOB in your pocket or does the FOB HAVE to be inserted into the dash?
The slot is an amplifier of the alarm signal . You can easily swap for one that still holds the remote. Two screws hold it in place . Done this to one sks car