Is it just me or does anyone else feel the CVT is extremely hypnotic? The Ford C-Max was my 1st CVT and before that I drove stick for around 10 years living in Europe. My 2nd CVT was the Prius C and now the Prius Alpha. In between I had the VW Eos (convertible Golf GTI), Ford Fiesta and Mazda 3. I have had this funny behind the wheel droopy for the past 2-3 years and it all really started to get worse with the CVT. In the past having to shift gears on my Ford Ka and the DSG on the EOS and Fiesta keeps the drivetrain connected to me, having shift points and rev changes in the engine somehow kept my brain occupied. With the CVT it is very dull once we get up to highway speed and the revs stay low which knocks me out around 10-15min into a highway stretch of road. I must admit I have some times dreamt at a traffic light and woke up to find myself falling asleep on the highway. I wonder if anyone else find it difficult to stay awake driving on the highway with the CVT we have.
@Max Taiwan if you think the CVT is hypnotic, just wait until self drivings Level 3 arrives and gets it's first reviews from enthusiasts, or those who might think they're already using Level 3.
Losing consciousness while behind the wheel can get your license revoked here in California. In fact they ask if you have had any instances of such on renewal forms. Get a good night's sleep or get someone else to drive you. That's just dangerous... REVVL V+ 5G ?
@Max Taiwan Get a sleep study ASAP! Sleep Apnea is a serious condition that really messes with your sleep. It could get you killed. I knew someone who died in their sleep from it. Daytime drowsiness can kill you behind the wheel. CPAP therapy can take a lot of getting used to, but it is better than the alternative. I have been using it for 23 years.
OMG a big thank you to everyone. I knew something must be going on. I try to use music when i can but mostly there are other people on the car. And to be honest when i get into the phase no matter if i play lowed music or give myself a good few smacks still can not get out of it fully, only stopping and getting off the car can wake me up properly. As soon as i get out of the car and walk for a few minutes like going to the public washroom i become totally connected. and once i get behind the wheel after 10 to 15 minutes it may happen again, especially on the highway. Bisco and gromitto I totally agree with you something is off for sure. Do you guys think sleep apnea can get this bad? I sleep on average 4 hours a day for the past year with the newborn its hard to get a full night in, but my situation started 3 to 4 years before that.. The situation gets worse and almost predictable if i start driving after a meal like lunch or dinner. Interestingly when the symptoms hit i find eating wakes me up right away, I take a few bites here and there and that keeps me occupied enough to be alert and I do not feel the drowsiness at all as long as I keep ingesting snacks and food. . So two things i use to get me out; eat food like chips and sandwiches until my next available stop to get out of the car and I will be fine. I do want to hear more about sleep apnea and anything which could be causing this.
Oh I will be out for sure with level 3. openpilot AI has upgrades to turn our Prius which have lane assist and collision avoidance into self driving vehicles for as little as $600. I was tempted to install it not for me to use but for my wife to use it while i take a rest on the highway because she is scared to drive on highways. But I worry if i use it I will be out cold for sure.
i wonder if you are one of those people who are sensitive to magnetic waves from the battery and electrical system
Ok! So it seems I might have some health issues and it is not coming from the CVT. Although I do believe a more enthusiastic power delivery system can help bump the adrenaline, keep me up while fatigued from sleep apnea and adrenaline also helps glucose metabolism and increase blood pressure for awareness.
I must note that high adrenaline levels tend to interfere with the best defensive driving practices, particularly with certain roadway 'social encounters' and other challenges. There are better ways to prevent drowsy driving.
I watched a hour long youtube that explained Toyotas take on self driving levels 1 though 5 with Gill Pratt (about 15 mins of the video), I think it was CES 2020 or 2021. I've been trying to find it again, but so far all I've found are 10 or 20 minute excerpts of the video that explain only parts of what was covered and out of context in many places, so I continue to look for the original that I watched. The video wasn't perfect, and self driving has progressed a lot in a few years since the date of the presentation, but it's also getting harder to understand the overview since all of the new developments. concepts and road maps for reaching level 5 autonomy. And just how complex reaching level 5 self driving is going to be, besides the timeline expectations and hype. If I find it again, I'll post a link with about how long the self driving segment is for those only interested in that part of Toyotas future plans as presented a year or two ago, not that I've noticed Toyota changing many if any of those plans, since I've first started following them.
Thanks buddy! Yeah the apnea is slowly becoming a problem. I got a variable PAP machine now. Seems to help a bit but I still get the Zzzz after meals and driving on the highway for 15min or longer.
isn't there some new surgery available? i guess i was thinking of this: > / < not for everybody though
I probably could not sleep at all if I had one of those apnea machines strapped to my face. I can't even stand to have a watch on my wrist when sleeping! Hope you can get it figured out. Meanwhile, maybe energy drinks or caffein pills might make driving safer.