Hi all, I bought a blue panlog scanner. It works in my cars (prius 09 and 96 Rav 4) and my friends 05 prius. My friends car is on its last leg . He is looking at a used 09 with 174k on it. The problem is neither of my panalog scanners (2) will not light up. He went down with a 500.00 Scanner. I don't know what brand. I believe that scanner works on his car. It would not recognize the car. The mechanics 10k scanner works in the car. He is afraid if he buys the car, The state inspection scanner will not read. any ideas why my scanner won't work when it works in 2 other prii? Linda
Maybe the 10K scanner doesn't rely on 12v power from the car? And the problem you're having is a problem with 12v powering the OBD2?
The car is at my mechanics. He can be a hot head. It hasn't been used in a little over a year. When I saw it I started it up no problem and saw that there was no rust on it. I told my friend and a few days later he went to look at it. It was obvious the 12v battery need to be changed. It was supposedly changed and I went down took it for a spin around the block. I drove like new. no codes. My friend went down the next day with the scanner. He took it on the highway lights went on and off. it definitely needs 2new tps. He liked the way it drove. The mechanic wasn't there. I went down 2x over the weekend car started no problem and then this am I went down there and car started and was scanned with mechanics scanner.
The wiring diagram shows a 7.5A OBD fuse (in the driver's side interior fuse block?) specifically for the OBD2 connector. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
the state computer will most likely connect no problem given that other scanners are connecting. check the obd port fuse as specified, may be the issue or wiring, or you scanner just doesnt like the car, most likely fuse or wiring or female pin on obd port car side. my china scanners all connect hard/hard to remove on all prius, way harder than ford etc. to get on and off of obd port and tps tire pressure sensors, i would not let that keep me from buying a decent prius at a decent price...the car will pay for itself in gas savings, free car... 3rd gen night and day difference from 2nd gen, I daily drive both...most complaints on 2nd gen are fixed/non existent on 3rd...
I know the battery in that I doubt this has anything to do with it but I know the battery in the fob is dead. could that be the issue? My friend is going to buy the car.
i wouldn't think so, but i am learning still on prius. but i would think it would not keep a scanner from connecting.
My friend picked up the car the other day. His mechanic and neighbor is a state inspector. the scanner works but the cars abs light keeps flashing on and off. There are no codes.
Yup abs failure. Used to be people sell a G2 cause it has a bad hybrid battery or eats alot of oil. Now the ABS module is added to that lookout. The G2 is a very old car all of a sudden.