While I was unloading my groceries, my theft deterrent alarm (which I didn't even know I had) on my 2007 Prius went off. I could not figure out how to stop it. Pushing the lock/unlock buttons on my fob didn't do anything. I got in the car and started it, and that stopped the alarm. But when I opened the hatch again, it started. This time, it wouldn't let me start the car. Finally, I was able to start it, and alarm stopped. Then it started when I reopened the hatch. This went on for quite a while -- start, stop, start -- until finally I guess it got tired and quit. If it happens again, how do I turn it off? I'm not sure why it started in the first place and if I have a problem. When I was loading my groceries, it was in the middle of a massive rain storm, so I'd assume whatever could get wet back there did. I know nothing about cars and appreciate any help!
it sounds like an aftermarket system. could be a bad wire, rodents, etc. i would search the engine bay and under the dash for signs of a system installation
Thanks. (No systems have been added.) What I'm trying to figure out is how to turn off the alarm when it's blaring.
Yes. Not trying to figure out why, which I couldn't fix myself anyway. Just trying to figure out, if the alarm goes off again, how to turn it off.
No, just whatever came with the car. What I'm looking for is, "When your alarm goes off, you stop the honking by ____________________."
The alarm turns off when you press unlock on the fob which you've indicated does not work. It might help if you take a picture of your key fob. If you're asking for a switch to disable the alarm altogether, we can't identify that without knowing what alarm is installed on your car. Long shot... I'm guessing if you do have an aftermarket alarm you accidentally kicked up the alarm switch usually located near the hood release. That's where aftermarket alarm system switches usually are installed but not always to turn off the alarm permanently. It used to be down because it was malfunctioning and someone turned it off. Good luck, OP.
Push unlock or lock to turn off... But by alarm I was referring to the panic button. If you have a motion sensor or other type of event triggering the alarm it's an aftermarket alarm and needs to be disconnected from its power supply until you can get it replaced or repaired.