Look, it's not impossible to pop a head gasket in a c. As far as I'm concerned, you can pop the head gasket in any aluminum engine with sustained and/or repeated overheats. I guess the only question is why you didn't sniff this one before purchase?
Because, I'm not like some of you geniuses on this forum, that's why. Why didn't you post here to warn people about the 2012 Prius c and its potentially failed head gasket?
No problem. This part of his reply was the part that made the most sense. The previous part was rather uncalled for. But that's OK, it's water over the dam and I've learned a lot from you all.
You're right about the paranoia. I was on a powerful medicine for 12 weeks in 2018 for a chronic viral condition and it did me good but I'm still feeling some of the after effects of it. That said, it seems good to own a Toyota again, my 3rd one. My 1st one was an '89 Cressida I got for $1000 that had 180k miles on it, then I got a new leftover 1999 SR5 Extra Cab 2WD pickup. I rented Corollas many times in the 90s. I was afraid I'd regret my rather abrupt decision to trade my Ford Fiesta in for the Prius but I'm not. I wasn't even looking for a Prius that day. I decided to try out a few used cars at a dealership that seemed to have decent deals on used cars listed on facebook, and just see what I'd find. I drove a Sonata hybrid that day and other cars, and the Prius seemed like a good car and deal for me and I went home with it that night. They didn't even have it listed on FB. I feel I have a much better car than a Ford now. Just the sound the doors make when they close, is the sound of a well built car.
The very first Priuseses were essentially hand-made, low volume production. Then they figured out how to do them on a modern assembly line with assistive tooling and robots. The Aqua / Prius c is a step further- these cars came out of an insanely automated production system from a new factory built in 2012. They're all identical down to the millimeter. This was done to reduce waste, elevate quality and control cost. The C-HR is the only other model made in that factory sold in the USA, everything else is for other markets.
Interesting. I think I'd rather drive a Toyota with 180k miles on it than a Ford with 60k miles. I got a great deal on a Ford last Summer, the only trouble was, it was a Ford.
Interesting tidbit : The only time I seem to get the coolant smell in the exhaust is when I first start it up in the morning. I could not detect that odor once the car had been driven several miles. I'll do a UOA in the Spring, and if they don't find any coolant in the oil, that will prove to me that the head gasket is OK.
I think it might have something to do with a valve that allows coolant into the exhaust system chamber when the engine is cold, and when the car is warmed up, that doesn't happen and the coolant smell isn't there. I don't know the name of this valve yet.
The same happens to me, when i turn it on the in the morning a weird smell coolant like comes out, but so far even after removing the inverter / converter and taking a look i did not saw any leaks. It's weird but seems to be normal in this machine.
It's been a great car for the 1st two years of owning it. Perfectly flawless. I got 53 MPG on a short trip today.
Indeed, and you don't need to worry about that. The Prius C does not suffers from head gasket issues unless it overheats. I recommend you to get a scanner, i have the Obdlink MX and i always leave it plugged in, because apparently in the Prius C the hybrid battery cooling fan does not runs at all, or barely runs, and the hybrid battery gets a little bit too hot due to that. I use the scanner with the Dr. Prius app to run the hybrid cooling fan all the time. With the scanner and the scanner app you can read codes too.
Are you saying the hybrid battery cooling fan is defective in all Prius Cs? I'm not fond of the idea of getting one of these scanners. I don't even have a cell phone and I have a feeling that would make it hard or impossible to operate one of these. If my car seems to be running perfectly, why assume there is a problem with the battery cooling fan?
You don't have a cellphone? well that's unexpected. There is a reason to why it seems that the Prius C hybrid battery lasts less than the one of the Prius. And i have noticed that the fan turns on but really slow, and if i don't turn it on, the hybrid battery temperature gets between 37° C / 40° C+.
Nope and I don't want one, and I'm not getting one. The last reason I'd ever get one would be to seem politically correct to people like you.