Does anyone know how many engine mounts Prius C 2015 has? I looked online and I was able to find this diagram for parts numbers, but it does not tell me where the mounts are, or how many. From the diagram it looks like there are 2 or three engine mounts. I was able to identify the mount on the passenger side, but unable to find where the other mounts are. Please, Help! I looked up some videos on youtube but they were all about Prius which is different from Prius C. I saw there is a mounting arm for Prius, but I did not see that under my car.
If anyone has posted a video on YouTube about removing the engine/transmission from a Prius C it will probably include a lot of information about the location of the engine mounts since they would have to be disconnected.
On a regular 3rd gen Prius there's one engine mount, at the passenger end of the engine (aka the "front"). And nothing else; it spans from there to the transaxle, which has mounts. The c might well be similar: the upper left mount in your pic very likely bolts on at the timing chain cover, at the "front" of the engine. The rest "might" be on the transaxle. If you can get under for a look it might clear it up.