2008 Toyota Prius red triangle yellow exclamation and hud top left red exclamation. Red triangle yellow exclamation and HUD exclamation red came on while normally driving thought it was battery but as soon as I fill up the tank all lights went away. Already had a faulty gas gauge so should I not worry about battery just replaced with reconditioned battery 2 months ago. Should I still bring to mechanic or overreacting?
You seem to know what your problems are so I would say probably not I have run my car out of gas and it put the red triangle on and all of the things you speak of and I didn't realize at first that I was out of gas because I too have a gas gauge that doesn't work a lot of times and then I remembered that I was supposed to get gas 40 minutes ago and that's why my engine's not running I reaching my backseat pouring a gallon of gas it's in my little lawn mower gas can the car fires right up with no lights on and I go get gas fill her up and drive another 440 miles
the triangle might have gone out after shutting down, but will probably come back. you can wait until it does to read the codes, but a rebuilt battery is a likely culprit. is it under warranty?
You have the turtle on the mfd. That means your whack a mole is whacking back. Time to pull that battery back out.
Is that a turtle on the MFD I thought it was a car and then it has a red exclamation point through it when it's fubar but okay we'll say it's a turtle sounds good I never noticed that matter of fact just yesterday I was staring at it for 3 hours coming back from Charlotte with supposedly a bad inverter coolant pump but nothing's really hot
We call it the turtle. It’s a car icon. A turtle with limp mode is almost a guarantee the hybrid battery is bad.
I agree wholeheartedly just went through this with a 20-year-old 09 and the battery failed like clockwork at exactly 19 years 6 months and some days literally almost without question and I got the turtle red car! All the dash lights on you name it replace the battery all was good and now I have all the ABS lights on but no red! And my brake pedal is good so I just leave it because I know I'm heading to an accumulator pump assembly that is nla etc etc so as long as I have brakes regenerative braking regular breaking I can do without the ABS it's kind of cool stepping on the brakes are hard and smoking all four tire Wells not really but the kids think so