Woohoo, sign up to win a 2005 Prius. I'm in. No need to buy a ticket or anything. http://www.retrovsmetro.org/prius/
You are welcome. I wanted to hog the car all for myself but thought that everyone at Priuschat deserves a chance for another bit of heaven. Good Luck. Bob
I'll be interested to hear if the folks who enter get deluged with spam. I'm always suspicious of these kinds of things. Note also, that they'll issue you a 1099, meaning you pay the income tax on $28,000, plus you pay the sales tax on the car, if you win. I never win stuff anyway, so I'll stay out of it and increase the odds by one in a hundred million for the rest of you.
I think that there needs to be a H2 giveaway too, to fulfil the retro part of the book's title. :mrgreen:
Wow a contest to give away a Prius ..They must have put this car on a waiting list already to get the car by Oct? Just joking but it would be funny if you won and they said you are on a waiting list ....
Actually they quoted 3-4 months because it sounds like once you win, you get on a waiting list and they foot the bill minus taxes. The total car value can't exceed $28k, so it's whatever package color combo that fits into that.
Thanks, I'm in. IF I were to win, I wonder which would come in first, this one, or the one from the lists I got on at the beginning of the month.
I entered. I did NOT sign up for the news letter though! Spare me frm zelots, no matter what their creed.
WOOO! I am so entered. :mrgreen: :multi: I hope it's a Package #9... if not, then my mom can have it (she needs a new car BADLY, and wants a hybrid anyway) and I'll take the #9 that I'm waiting for anyway. Win-win situation! Score...! Thank you Gen2 for linking us all!
I entered. Although I think it would really rile their hides if a Libertarian won that car. :mrgreen:
That's why I maintain a separate email account for such things. My primary e-mail sees no more than 10 spams/week. My "contest" email acct. I ignore 8)
i entered... why not?? its too bad that the site wasnt a "pro bush " site... if that were the case, i'd have a much better chance of winning since no one would be visiting...
But they want your snail mail address also, and I hate junk mail as much as spam. I'm sure they don't care what is the political persuasion of the winner. These things are about making money by advertising. One way or another, running the contest will net them plenty more than the cost of the prizes, and they couldn't care less whether the eventual winner was someone who bought something from them or supported their ideology or not.
Daniel, Then my office staff gets to deal with the junk mail. With the volume of junk that I already get there a few more pieces a week won't matter.
Cool. Then you're safe. Just for me, it's not worth it for the one-in-ten-million chance of winning a car I'd only have to sell because I can't use two. I don't buy lottery tickets either. There was a Dilbert cartoon: Dogbert is selling reduced-price lottery tickets, "Just one chance in ten million less of winning than regular tickets." Guy buys a ticket, and then says, "Wait! this is for yesterday's drawing!" And Dogbert replies, "And your point is?" I wish everyone here the best of luck. And I'll increase your chance of winning by one in ten million by not entering. Oh, and what if you win but the only notification you receive is on that email account that you use for contests and never look at? Hmmm... :mrgreen: