Front brakes are usually good for over 100,000 miles. Rear brakes last almost forever. Generally, with the Prius, rust will kill your brakes before they actually wear out. Tom
wow good to know! i ask just because my brakes are squeaking occasionally when i slow down to exit freeways i'm currenty at 38,000 miles and i don't feel any warping/pulsating feeling yet...only the occasional squeaking hard to believe that my brakes are gonna last me till 100k
Noisy brakes are common on the Prius. The problem comes from lack of use. Unlike a normal car, the Prius brakes get so little use that they tend to rust. If your brakes get noisy, an easy fix is to exercise them a bit. Find an open stretch of road, drive up to 40 mph or so, shift into N, and brake until you slow down to around 20 mph. Shift back into D and repeat the process a few times. Braking in N defeats regenerative braking, which forces the Prius to use the friction brakes. Tom
Reviving an old thread but it's appropriate here after a quick search of "brakes". Getting my first rear brake job tomorrow after 191,000 miles. Dealer quote is $395 installed for OEM parts. Just another part of the Prius that makes it such an economical car.
Just noticed this, seems topical. According to the Car Care Nut, the dealership have two levels of Toyota brake pad quantity, original (semi-metallic) or economy (ceramic). Both are ok, but the price varies, and he recommends to ask which they will be using. Video starts at the relevant point: