Our 2009 Prius' multifunction display is out. It may come on every once and awhile but for the most part it's always out/dark. It's been an issue for the past 6 months. We can't change the air, the radio, or see the backup camera. Does anybody know what the issue is and if there is a fix for it. I tried doing a search on here but couldn't find anything. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
It’s called a Multifunction Display or MFD. You can do a PC search on it and will notice that it routinely fails in older Prius cars. It’s relatively simple to swap out with a used one that works of that’s all that’s wrong, if it is not repairable. Others here will have better suggestions to diagnose what you can try short of replacement but here’s one video that shows how it’s done
Thanks. Yeah I don't know if it just needs to be replaced or it can be fixed cause there is another issue with it. Thanks for the feedback.
If it’s going out and no longer accepts touch inputs, then you probably need to replace it. Unfortunately, it’s not cheap.
I would assume so cause last time it came on at all has been awhile. Even when it did come on is wasn't for very long. I guess I'll have to look for one.
You need to make sure you replace it using an identical part number. Remove your MFD and purchase one that has the same exact part code.
Getting in it this time I noticed it was a white screen. I tried pushing buttons but it didn’t do anything and 15 minutes later or so it’s now black/off.
Is this post by @Cateran relevant in regards to interchange between the MFD's? Granted, there might not be functionality based on vehicle model package system. MFD 86110-47230 Compatibility | PriusChat This post is for the pinouts of the connectors from @ITBland: Will 86110-47230 work instead of 86110-47081 in 2005 Base Model? | Page 2 | PriusChat I've not verified that there are the two same pinouts used for all the models in the pertinent two year ranges noted in the first link I shared, guessing based on the two categories of known US model types they may be.
Dropping these links here as well: Bench Testing a Gen 2 MFD | PriusChat testing mfd screen without car | PriusChat