I'm looking for something to monitor temperatures. I have a Bluetooth OBD adapter. Are there any apps that can show me this data while I'm driving? I know about Dr. Prius, does it only show battery info or is there other info too? Is there a sensor for the inverter temp? Transmission temperature? Battery fan speed? I have OBD Link but sometimes doesn't connect while the engine is running. Any ideas? What are you using?
P10 Scanner hardwired to obd2. I leave it simple with a set of alarms for temperature and accurate mph. It does have a variety of data displays including trouble codes and clearing but I use a bluetooth scanner for the rare occasions other functions are needed.
- hybrid assistant Wow looks like this has everything I'm looking for, I'll definitely give it a try thanks.
From my understanding, Gen 2 + Gen 3 have two coolant tanks and 2 coolant pumps (one near the engine and one near the inverter) - essentially two coolant sub-systems that run through the same radiator. When an app like Auto Doctor shows you “coolant temp” it’s showing you the average coolant temperature of all the coolant running through the car, right? There’s no real way to isolate and solely measure the inverter’s coolant temperature right? (If this should be on a new thread, please let me know. I’m still new here)
Any iOS apps that show inverter temperature? Apparently Hybrid Assistant displays inverter temp but Hybrid Assistant is only available on Android ()
No, there are separate PIDs for the engine coolant temperature, and for several other temperatures in the power electronics section (temperatures at the inverter sections driving MG1 and MG2, temperatures of the windings in MG1 and MG2, and one or two others if I remember right). A Gen 3 Prius even has two different sensors for the engine coolant temp. The engine coolant temperature is the most cross-vehicle standard PID (pretty much every car has an engine with coolant, or did until pretty recently), so that's the one that most generic apps are going to show you as the "coolant temperature" without any extra arrangements. (In Gen 3, it's the reading from the sensor in the cylinder head.) You can see the others by looking for an app that has those PIDs predefined for a Prius, or by getting an app that lets you define custom PIDs, and searching (here in these forums or elsewhere on the internet) for postings where people have reverse-engineered how to define them.
Found an app (Car Scanner ELM OBD) that works quite well for this. UI is not the prettiest but for use-cases that require viewing sensor data, we could potentially call this app a Hybrid Assistant alternative for iOS users. (Haven't used Hybrid Assistant, just read about it online)