What if we don't want to learn about a new engine? How many of use have friends that never have a reason to learn about this because they never have to put gas in their car or even get an engine oil change for their car ever again? Does Toyota really think that the most impressive solution to climate change and outrageous gas prices is to promote a 4 cylinder turbo instead of a V6? It's like a two pack a day smoker being sold a new cigarette that helps them cut back to less than 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Bet that lung cancer concern is no longer an issue now, right? Do they really think we're that stupid that we're eager to get a new car that ensures that for another decade every 450 miles we have to open our wallet and get robbed of another $100 again? Is that how they're going to successfully sell more cars? When the day comes that Toyota finally enters into inevitable bankruptcy proceedings and people want to know why, I'll be sure to reference inane gimmicks like this:
Until ultra fast chargers are cheap enough to have one in your home, are in apartment parking lots, and more widespread than gas stations, I will stick with a hybrid. I don't feel like arguing with scumbags at charging stations.
Lol... Who needs to argue with "scumbag" charging stations to pay pennies per mile when you can instead pay a fortune per mile from the friendly fossil fuel industry so future generations have to pay way more than a fortune living a horrible future trying to survive on a dead planet that won't stop catching on fire. Seems like a fair trade off, right?
All of life is a trade-off. The day you are born, you start dying. Any source of energy is like a "double edge sword" to quote he physicist Percy Williams Bridgman. "It cuts both ways." The electrical grid has caused numerous forest fires in California. The key is "economy of use." Use the least amount to accomplish the task.
Or to clarify, capitalism providing an electric grid rather than government means near hundred year old equipment that should have been upgraded 1/2 century ago is still in use because profits are more important that preventing 100K houses in California burning to the ground in past decade. Besides, those billions in losses and hundreds killed don't really hurt a corporation no matter how many times criminal charges are filed against it. My Dad's hundred year old forest in Napa around his retirement home was destroyed in a fire started from defective electric grid that hadn't been upgraded in 80 years and he's still there because his house survived. So when I showed him my plan to replant and restore his forest he was like: "Why would I care about spending money on that? I'm too old to be around once all those trees grow back." It's the same kind of narrow minded capitalism! As if the so called "trade off" of only caring about your self and no one else, especially the future health of the planet is somehow a virtue? All ya'll couldn't appear any more evil even than a mindset like that.
Why would you ever need an ultra fast charger at home, or even at an apartment? Do you have a gas pump and tank at your house? Level 2 is plenty fast enough overnight for nearly everybody's daily car use. The cost there is installing the power hook up, not the EVSE, and that cost is pretty much the same with an ultrafast charger. Fast chargers for trips are out there already, and their numbers are increasing. As for Toyota going turbo four instead of a V6, well, most of the market has already done that. Even makers that still make a V6 switched many models to a 4 cylinder. The last generation of the Malibu didn't have a V6 option at all.
Yes, I have a gas in sealed 5 gallon metal cans at my house. I paid $3.12 a gallon three weeks ago, Today, gas is going at $4.29 a gallon and goes up every day. I have one of those Scepter "flo and go" pumps that I bought on clearance for $10 at Northern tools, It is very convenient and works great.
Like the history of computers, which filled a whole building, now in one's hand in the form of a smartphone, it will happen and it won't be that expensive.
Good thing you keep all your old computers and your cans of gas in your closet.... I'm sure when all of us run out of electricity and outdated computers we're gonna wish we were as smart as you.
I used to do the same with gas bought with grocery store discounts. Then I decided keeping gallons of highly flammable, toxic liquid in my garage wasn't worth the five or so dollars saved. And the transformers to power an ultrafast charger in every home on the block? Fast DC chargers now can cost more than the car, but compared to the cost of putting in the electric utility to supply it, and the cost of supplying that amount of energy is short order, it is a small price. The Prius Prime can charge up 25 miles of range in 5 to 6 hours. Plug ins with bigger batteries can charge up 40 miles in 8 to 10 hours. That is with a Level 1 EVSE that comes with the car, that plugs into a basic 15amp outlet. With a Level 2, a BEV will charge over 100 miles overnight. Last time I checked, those are in the $200 to $600 range; the Bolt EUV comes with one. Depending on the house, and where you want it, it can cost over $1000 to install it. If a faster home charger became available, and it was free, installing it would cost more, because of the wiring and circuit requirements. Most people aren't going to need to charge their EV faster than what Level 2 already provides. For the occasional need, it will be cheaper to stop at a local charger like going to the local gas station.
This does bring up an interesting idea about where to spend all the hundreds of billions the world's governments spent every year on fossil fool subsidies. Would be interesting to see a massive super efficient new underground energy grid that makes it easy to generate and store 460V AC electricity to the circuit of every garage of every home. Combine this with what Tesla is doing with their Power pack contracts with electricity providers could make a pretty amazing new reality of ultra efficient energy consumption.
Yeah, I'd much rather beat some one's a$$ at a gas station when they cut in front of me - rather than at a charger. Gee, I wonder where fights have REALLY broken out the most between the two. LOL ...... as opposed to charging an electric car in the safety of my garage or driveway .
Yeah! If you're at a charger, you are captive for an extended time period. At a gas station, you are gone in minutes.
With a BEV I'd only have to use a charger on trips a few times a year. With gas, I have to put time aside every week to get it.
My local electric company just announced a coming 45% rate increase. So that cheap electric vehicle is going to cost a lot more to charge.
Wow. I knew Tesla was having some quality control issues but they put the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car!