That is a valid question. Luckily, OEM batteries are still available for around $1699 at my local dealer. We are lucky that OEM batteries are still available for sale. I believe that several OEM parts for the 2nd gen Prius will be discontinued soon for several reasons including supply chain issues and factory strategy to maximize profits. Actually, there are many popular cars for example the 2000 Corvette where it is impossible to find discontinued parts like ABS modules in any condition.
After just 3 months from that post, there are no new OEM Hybrid batteries available anymore. I regret I did not buy one when they were plenty. Aftermarket new batteries are also back ordered or Lithium might be not be imported again due to price increase. Does anyone know if OEM Toyota Batteries are just back ordered or Toyota discontinued for good HV batteries for the 2 gen Prius?
A few weeks ago I spoke with a friend who works the parts counter at a dealership, he said they were heavily back ordered.