This might seem odd and possibly sexist. But in my family and in discussions with other folks. I find that women find the bar separating the hatchback window and the lower distracting if not obscuring. While I and other men I talk to do not. I, myself. Meaning me and me alone. Find it to be a plus being able to see that much lower when backing in a tight spot. My Carol finds it disorienting and has backed, lightly, into things, Even vertical. Such as a pole. Stating the bar makes it "hard to see" Is this in fact another case of men and women being exactly the same with the notable exception of being completely different? I honestly don't think myself sexist but what misguided person ever thinks that of themselves? I've read the discussions, pro and con and think any window is a good thing.I am just wondering if my fellow Prii families find this to be the case and it is gender specific or am I just misunderstanding? What does your husband or wife and you think and if you agree? Wife or husband?
It’s a good gauge for tailgaters. If their headlights are obscured by the bar or above they are at the correct distance. If headlights in the lower portion they are too close. Lol
It bugs me. I recall before we even got the Prius, weighing the pros-and-cons, the weird back window configuration was on my mind.
I don't think there has been a single time I have driven my Prius without cargo on the deck that I could actually see through the lower glass. Basically, for our Prius, the lower glass area is almost always blocked, thus it has never bothered either me or my wife.
If you never have adult back seat passengers and remove the rear head rests you get an even better view...
This isn't specific to Gen3 so I'll chime in, it is a little bit "Pontiac Aztek" which like the Prius got a lot of criticism. If only the Prius hatch had a tailgate like the Aztek. I don't remember the wife having a problem with "the bar", she was just thrilled to get a new car, but we did get the mid-base model with rear camera. But she never really used (aka trusted) the camera so I think you just get used to it by allowing your brain to ignore it. It definitely was mentioned when we were comparing new cars, but it was all about the mileage.