Hello,first sorry for my english I will do my best to describe the problem , last year I was crashed by an VW Passat at the side the right part of the car , the owner of the Passat have a very bad insurance only last mounth I can took the car to repair by myself because the insurance company is not any more and require more documents and legal actions . I took to Toyota delership for finding the damage,they give me a whole list of problems and mecanical problems,all the right parts was damaged , I change all the mecanical parts but the engine dosen't start , the hybrid sistem works I was able to go only on electric motor few feet to move the car after I change the mecanical parts , I took the car to a hybrid specialist and he told me is nothing wrong with coils,spark plugs,fuses stuff like that and maybe need a new computer , car works fine until the accident after the accident car dosen't start anymore ,maybe someone has experienced the same problem like me . The car stayed a lot in parking lot but the 12V battery is fine I will post all the cods Toyota give it to me . Thanks in andvance any help will be aprecied.
It's possible you drained hybrid battery down trying to start it and you need high voltage trickle charger to recharge so there's enough power to start the engine once you figure out why engine won't start: Build Hybrid Battery Maintenance Gear For Under $100 | PriusChat
There may be a problem with the High Voltage Battery- but you need to fix the P0351. Each of the 4 ignition coils sends a signal to the ECM when each one produces a spark. If any coil doesn't send a signal at all, the ECM will not allow the engine to run. It could have a bad coil, or damaged wiring. You have to check the IGF circuit from coil for cylinder 1 all the way back to the ECM (or try substituting a new coil). Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
My fried ho work at the car he is a hybrid battery specialist , he tell it's no problem with the hybrid sistem , thouse cods are exactly after the crash now I have only the : P0125 , P0351 and P0A80, the engine starts for I don't know 3 secounds after turn off
On my 2022 Prius Nightshade (and I assume on all other Gen4’s and earlier generations) there is an emergency shut off system that is activated when a severe impact accident occurs. The system isolates the hybrid system and stops the fuel pump. It requires resetting that my manual says must be done by the dealership. From your description of your accident, it is most likely what your problem is. Perhaps someone on here actually knows how to reset it.
Perhaps, I think what our OP friend needs though is something a little more definite. I’m reasonably certain that there is a reset button somewhere in the Prius, however, since I’m NOT CERTAIN, I await the input from someone who is.
yes... I mention it because I've not seen the setting yet myself, but I bet others on here have and look forward to knowing.
I took the car to another shop , the guy ho work there was a former electrician for Toyota maybe will help , I will post here if he fix the problem and what the problem was , thank you for the answers .
An auto mechanic who is a former electrician is well positioned for the electrification of cars. If I had a dollar for every auto mechanic who expressed fear of electricity in hybrid and BEVs I'd be able able to afford a Project Lithium pack!
Well in my case was the stranges thing and maybe was only a coicidence or not , the problem was the LPG ECU , I haven't mention I also have a LPG system on the car and somehow the LPG ECU mess with the gas engine if I remove the fuse from LPG system car stars without any problem, tomorrow I will try the car to see if runs right .
Well in the est part of Europe is a lot of hybrid Toyota or Lexus with a LPG conversion because here gas is very expensive for exemple now 1 litre of gas is almost 2$ and the LPG is less than 1$ so that's why a lot of people here convert their cars to LPG because of the cost , I don't have any problems with the engine or the LPG conversion this is the fist time but it's a cheap fix it's nothing expensive .
Yeah it's a thing. I saw a lot of them in Poland last year. Somebody on this forum's wrote about it: Toyota Prius 2nd Gen. - converted to LPG hybrid | PriusChat