In a shocking turn of events, I can no long access iHeart Radio or LiveXLive anymore because the App Suite button on the Toyota App is not working. Tap it, nothing happens. They updated it a week ago and that is about when I noticed it wasn’t working anymore. Go figure! Anyone else have this problem? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the App, no help.
As suggested by my sarcasm, this isn’t the first time this has happened. It’s just the latest in a string of failures by the Toyota tech wizards. (Again sarcasm…)
My APPs are working again! Toyota has once again released a faulty update rendering your APPs useless until they release another update to fix their screw up. Why not wait and get it right the first time?
My toyota app now allows alexa. Via Prius Chat for Android ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Graz '21- Midnight Black Metallic Ltd. 5/28/2021 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Graz '05 - Tideland Pearl - Package 6 02/02/2005 - ??? -gifted to son 231,776 miles of smiles Lifetime: ~48.71 MPG Highest Tank: ~57.9 MPG Highest Miles/Tank: ~559 P185/65R-15 Bridgestone Ecopia EP422 SL 42.0/40.0 psi OPTIMA Yellow-Top 12 Volt ACC Battery XChanged the Traction Battery at 184K Limit your funding of international terrorism!
My Toyota app no longer reports "State of Charge". Wth Toyota! You are now in a much more competitive market today, than ever. Your competitors, only need to surpass your poor standards. To win customers. You have done better. Via Prius Chat for Android ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Graz '21- Midnight Black Metallic Ltd. 5/28/2021 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Graz '05 - Tideland Pearl - Package 6 02/02/2005 - ??? -gifted to son 231,776 miles of smiles Lifetime: ~48.71 MPG Highest Tank: ~57.9 MPG Highest Miles/Tank: ~559 P185/65R-15 Bridgestone Ecopia EP422 SL 42.0/40.0 psi OPTIMA Yellow-Top 12 Volt ACC Battery XChanged the Traction Battery at 184K Limit your funding of international terrorism!
I noticed the following changes today. Not sure when they took effect. 1) Correct ODO miles displayed 2) Distance to empty. Seams correct. 3) Shows Charge Information but it's not correct. It shows 100% where it should be closer to 60% 4) Eco History shows a screen with August bar but it's not correct. 5) Remote Start shows Climate, Defrost Front/Back but it doesn't work I do have an open ticket with Toyota on this so I guess they are still working on it. App Version: iOS 2.0.8(1) -> prod
Yeah, we got the update too. As a former techie, we used to joke that we preferred older manuals etc, as we knew where the mistakes were. Just wait a week or two and new update (Easter egg hunt) will come along.