After getting my phone connected to my Prius' bluetooth (JBL sound with nav, factory, in case that matters), it shows connected, but the calls will still only come through my phone. If I disconnect and connect enough tines, I can get it to work properly, but this only lasts until the car is shut off. Once restarted, it will read "Bluetooth connection successful", but once again calls will only come through the phone, not the vehicle bluetooth. Any ideas on a fix?
Problem 1/2 solved! Turns out my phone (Samsung Galaxy s21) was on battery save mode. This does not play well with the Bluetooth in the car. Turn battery save mode (on the phone) off, and voila! Works. Next problem though is that even with brand new speakers, the callers sound like they are speaking through a water-filled tin can. Any idea how I can clean up the sound?
A quick Google search on that model indicates there are many people with garbled sound due to Bluetooth issues Many suggested fixes. Google the model number and ‘garbled sound’ for suggestions