I have been looking at adverts for a 2016 Prius, and saw the attached (now sold). Note the fog light on the bottom right of the bumper. Was this a Toyota UK spec car, or was this an import that someone had to mod to get through the MOT? Regards, John (nb a switchable rear red fog light is mandatory for UK registered cars. A MOT test is needed on all new cars once they are 3 years old then on each year after.)
That fog light is not a standard fitment and the 66 reg is not 3 years old until Sept 2019 so if the car has a MOT certificate or it's advertised as 3 years old, then it's definitely an import.
That looks like it could be an effective safety feature. I have two questions: 1) Are there any range/visibility improvement specs? 2) Do you know if it is available in the states?
These are standard factory fit in the UK. There are some people on here that have access to the Toyota part numbers for different locales, so hopefully someone will be able to help.
I just spoke a to local dealer about installing the EU / UK tail lights here in the states. He indicated that it wouldn't be a problem so long as they had the proper SAE markings. The US tail lights are marked "SAE AIP2R(2)T" for the upper assy, and "SAE AS(2)114" lower assy (both left and right tail lights). Do your tail lights have these markings? See attached photos. Note: The image of lower tail light assy (2nd image) is rotated 90 degrees cw for readability. The marking for the bottom left tail light assy is inscribed inside the bottom left side of the assembly (inside the bottom right side for the lower right tail light assy). The SAE markings can be more clearly seen when viewed at night (or in a darkened garage) using a high intensity LED flashlight.
Independent front and rear. Fog switch position one is front. Then push switch to next setting (switch will spring back to setting one ) that activates rear.
I really can’t see why they have done that on a gen4. Unless there was a fault. Front and rear fogs are standard across the range made for the UK. Mostly due to the fact that since April 1980 it is a legal requirement all cars have to have rear fogs fitted by manufacturer before they can be sold here. Front fogs are still optional.