I replaced the hybrid battery in a 2005 which blew a module and afterwards the car will just not start. It did before even when swapped hv batteries a couple of times diagnosing the problem. It has plenty of gasoline in the tank, the hybrid battery modules are all 15+ nothing within a whole volt out of range , the 12 V battery is brand new, I checked all the fuses under the hood and under the dash there were no blown fuses, I ran techstream and it came back with some interesting codes I have yet to investigate all the codes but one of the codes was the MAF sensor which I think that it shouldn’t keep it from starting but the codes that I got back from the hybrid battery ECUs seems to be the bad in the picture. So I will show the pictures that I got in techstream and if you know anything please advise & thank you so for any help.
Disconnect the MAF and test it, be sure to clean up the throttle body/plate with a tooth brush and vodka/alcohol when in there. Have you clicked on the 'snowflakes' looking icons to the left of the DTCs, this will show you the related INFs or subcodes (detail codes), knowing the INFs may help identify the underlying issue in a timely fashion.
I think I did click on the snowflakes but it just showed a read out with all the variables with nothing really active in the listings. It all made me think that there’s a disconnect somewhere. I remember how it was just running fine but it had sat for a while and that might have become an issue. But I’ll try the maf sensor and let you know. Thanks
Notice the three (3) digit subcode / INF, aka detail code : If you don't already have the factory repair workups for your posted DTCs, a simple search here on PC should pull them up.
If the 12v system was dead at any time, the ecus have reverted to default values. This can easily lead to a Prius not starting. Mostly due to throttle body positioning issues. Clean the heck out of it, scrubbing the interior surfaces with a toothbrush and TB cleaner to remove all deposits. Clean the MAF while you're in there, because it's much easier to clean the TB if you remove the MAF sensor first. The temp bulb is the visible portion. The MAF sensor element is inside the cave. You'll understand when you pull it out.
It will never start with your POAA1 and POAA4 high voltage contactor stuck codes. It thinks high voltage can't be disconnected by the safety relays inside the battery assembly. Either a real big issue with the battery or the orange plug wasn't clicked in using the three steps. It is really useful to read and look up the codes. If the problem was corrected, the codes need to be cleared.
That's what FREEZEframe data is, a "snapshot" of what the ecu saw when it set the code. That way you can understand what the operating conditions were, and sometimes you might find a significant clue (example- 12V battery voltage might be crazy low). You might want to view and save all the freezeframe stuff, clear all the codes- then see what comes back immediately when you try to ready up again. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I agree & reprogrammed repeatedly . Ugh ! To no avail! And the 12v battery is new Also I was thinking I do have extra parts from the other battery setup so I was gonna swap the relay and swap the ECU computer. I looked up a few YouTube videos and I saw that took care of those codes so I’m gonna give that a shot and also was considering Changing the main ECU located behind the glove box. Im orderIng a new MAF sensor and then I’ll clean the throttle body out . I just haven’t gotten to it yet I’m still messing around with my GEN three engine problem. And thank you guys very much for reaching out to help me and giving me a hand without trying to make me feel like an idiot! Very appreciative): I’m just here to increase my knowledge and the great thing about prius chat is that you run into people who have had the same problem and are empathetic/sympathetic about your situation.
Three things: 1. Reprogramming is almost never needed. In fact it can lead to still other issues if done incorrectly. Such as wrong versions or followup procedures and configurations not done. I think advice suggesting Techstream just compounds problems when not in the right hands. 2. Hardware problems are almost always the issue. Probably 99.9% when someone has been changing parts and new problems appear. Hardware means mechanical but it also means semiconductor failures. Meaning the electronics in parts and ecus. It is very possible to burn up one transistor in a part or ecu but still have that piece of electronics online to the scanner. Jumpering power to pins can do it - as in your water pump problem. Mechanics use current limited power probes and test lights to avoid damage when testing. Even more common are bad connections, relays and fuses. Sometimes caused by "repairs", sometimes they are the original problem. 3. These are complicated systems. In my mind a hybrid has all the complications of an advanced gas vehicle combined with all the sophistication of an ev. In the future we will look back and be amazed these cars ran as well as they did. Codes do not always pinpoint the problem. Some codes are false. Most mechanics at the dealer are not trained enough to perform hybrid diagnostics. Think about that for a minute. It is essential to be able to read and understand the wiring diagrams before using jumpers or replacing parts. A tech must also know the sequence of operation for a given problem. Then a diagnosis can be logical and effective. It is really the only way to zero in on a problem which are often simple and low cost. You have said you have limitations in that area. Sometimes its better to let an experienced tech diagnose the problem and then consider diy repair if necessary. Often people think there is a silver bullet to solve any issue, partially because an experienced tech can repair most things quickly. Its training and experience in any field that makes their speciality look easy. Priuschat members seem to assume everyone is advanced diy with the tools, experience and documents needed. It is one of many issues with online forums like this.
Thanks again for enlightening me. All is appreciated. I would have taken to a mechanic but I live in the Sticks and commute to work as a uber driver. Its close to 100 miles away I was afraid of ruining the new engine . Towing was 500 youch! I’m still workin on though. I’ll keep ya posted bro
Hey I just noticed something I think it’s a little strange on the generation two when I hit the info screen button it shows that the battery was almost full but the safety tab was not connected. What do you think that means??
It's just remembering what it was before the safety interlock switch (safety plug??) was removed. It will update given enough time. In the mean time it will set the P0A0D code.