Advice on this forum is always appreciated as there is a plethora of Prius knowledge assembled here (as I do try to give back as much as possible from my small pool of info I have gathered through buying a 14 year old prius and having the cat stolen on it). That out of the way, I've owned a 2004 prius since 2018. Bought a set of custom pvc Clazzio seat covers (approx $360). Went through heck diagnosing and fixing a water leak in the trunk. Went through the cat being stolen and the whole process with insurance. Now the rust from the underside is starting to peak its head out right under a passenger side door. Champagne color, paint looks virtually flawless save for a few dings. Now that I see the original hybrid battery is getting on in years (18 at this point), showing its age in reduced MPG and in obvious need of reconditioning/ replacement. With the rust creeping it's way up, the noisy cheap replacement catalytic converter and the dying hybrid battery (coupled with the fact that I dont have access to a garage to do a multi-day reconditioning) I'm highly considering letting go of it and just going with another used non-hybrid toyota or honda (until the day when I can actually do a brand new hybrid or full EV). Any recommendations/ thoughts much appreciated
What region you live in and mileage on vehicle is required for good advice... Sounds like you might live in an area with lots of salt on the road, which is bad news for the car. However if you can fix it up and sell it on the west coast you'll get way more money for it right now than you would have a year ago. Out here $4K Prius are now selling for $8K because of new car shortage / chip short / lack of EV availability.
Midwest (bad winters, lots of road salt). 144k miles on the clock. Bought at 98k miles, the 45k or so that I've put on have mostly been done at 60 mph on the highway (very light traffic during my commute times)
Yeah... A 2004 a colleague's grandson bought had that kind of rust on it. It was awful to work on... Exhaust pipe rusted out and had to be replaced and all the hardware holding the underside of the car together was bright orange and fuzzy looking. If you got friends to visit on the west coast drive it out here and sell it and fly home. You'll be able to pay for your whole trip and have a little extra just because the re-sale value on west coast versus mid west is so much higher.
idk, that sounds like a pretty sweet ride. i usually advise people to sell if they cannot diy, and if you don't want to invest in it, i understand completely. but i would look around to see what else is available first, everything is so expensive.
I could see someone in a different region without road salt getting some more life out of it... But the 04 I saw that lived with road salt was most messed up Prius underside I've ever seen and it's not gonna last much longer before all that unravels if it's gonna continue living on salty roads. Gotta set this one out to pasture on the west coast where there's no more salt before its too late.
Ha, I love the letting a rescued circus animal live out its senior years on a reserve (which would be California)! Does sound profitable but I work and arranging all that seems like it would be pretty tricky. Worth thinking about though. I was just considering letting carmax take it and picking up a solara, corolla or accord. Shame considering what I've already gone through with it..
Another headache with it is finding a competent mechanic outside of a Toyota dealership who knows how to work on it. Its always been a struggle
There are many independent shops now that fix Prius cars. The LAST place I’d sell it is CarMax. You can get twice what they’d give you by listing it on Craigslist, even AS IS.
How bad is the rust, rust through or surface. Pic would help. If its not severe you can slow it down. Eastwood has lots of ideas. Springtime use an undercarriage water broom to rinse off salt.
Having a new car while taking time trying to sell the old one would prove difficult where I live due to parking, state registration etc. A dealer will take the car off your hands the moment you're ready, which is a not so profitable convenience
Its surface rust..every mechanic who has seen it says its normal for the age/ location of the car, but who wants to drive a rust bucket
yep, a dealer is easier but CarMax is the worst place to sell one. I’ve gotten offers from CarMax in the past. They were always bad. Virtually every car dealer will now buy a used Prius as they can easily fix them or sell them to someone who can. If it were me, I’d take one afternoon and drive to three or for local dealers and take the best offer.