Situation: Gen 2 prius, 320k KM on it, original CAT , me (owner) worried it is a matter of time before it is stolen. I live in ontario where we do not care much about emission standards anymore (you do not need a valid emissions certificate to sell a car now) Plan: My exhaust pipe is busted (leaks) and it is time for a new one. I am thinking just ask my mechanic to remove my CAT, all of it and replace with an aftermarket. then, sell my CAT on ebay for whatever i get from it. This was, i've spent what? $500 for a new cat + exhaust and i'll sell the CAT for say 2k and drive worry free. what do you guys think? would you do it this to your gen2?
Several people have done that with sucess. I’m thinking about doing the same thing. A newer after market Cat from what I have read gets the same or better than my older 16 year old OEM Cat. Which if you live in a non CARB state. I say go for it.
I sold my CAT last year on EBAY for $1250, purchased a $150 aftermarket CAT on EBAY===$1100 in my pocket
I did this with all my gen twos when they were paying premium now prices have come down and blah blah blah whatever I wasn't really concerned about so much money I just wanted to get the things off the car that people were vying to take so now they have no reason to even look at my car and generally they don't
I did it too, principally as a theft deterrent (yes, I know there are still dumb thieves who will steal it). I scrapped mine for around $1350 last year and I think prices have dropped since then... doubt you'll get close to $2k.
Personally I'd keep the OEM cat and just get a shield for it. I had to do a cheap replacement due to theft. The louder sound of the car gets to me as it used to be so much smoother and quieter. The extra money gained in the process definitely wouldn't be worth it to me.