Love my 2012 Prius, but the included nav/Entertainment system was never great. Now, pots aren't working, maps aren't up to date (that's an easier fix), no Android/Apple play, and the bluetooth is now acting strangely. Has anyone ever gotten an aftermarket Nav/Entertainment system for their Gen 3? It would be nice to have an up-to-date system. Costly, probably, but I'd settle for fully working, at this point. Thoughts? Thx.
I've been looking into this for some time for the 2013 there are some aftermarket units out there that have higher resolution screens and I think take you up to 9 in but fit in the same space I have not bitten the bullet and bought one as they are not made by anybody that one would recognize they do look good in the advertisement somewhat and then i'm worried of course how much stuff I will lose I don't use the nav that's in the car I have a 7-in window mount and that's about that I don't want to just tear up that space and stick something in there and lose a bunch of I don't know what I don't use much of the display as it is I do use the stereo a little bit
I've got an Alpine CarPlay ILX-W650 head unit in my car. Go on crutchfield and it will tell you all you need. They'll even connect the wiring harness adapter so it plugs right in. I swapped the headset and the steering wheel wiring adapters from my 09 Corolla, needed an xm antenna adapter and a camera adapter too. Works great. You probably need an emergency brake bypass too, but those are headset specific. You lose the ability to turn stuff off like door auto lock in the radio menus so get all that set before removing. You can do it later using some Bluetooth obdii code reader apps but it feels sketchier to me.
This is exactly the kind of reading i've been doing i've owned alpine head unit since the '80s like them very much but i'm not willing to do a whole lot to the prius to make it happen add some nice speakers call it a day as old as I am now this is really not super important the thing I do use a lot as a GPS but mine is a garmin trucker unit with a high res screen that I paid nearly nothing for it's like a $400 unit.
Changing speakers would be way more work than this. It's an an adapter surround that bolts in the dash to hold the radio and a wiring harness that plugs the new head unit right into the factory plug. Like 4 bolts and 2 screws.
Thanks, everyone. No one mentioned anything like a Kenwood or Pioneer that Crutchfield says would work. Any experience or thoughts about those?
I greatly prefer onboard nav and willingly pay extra to get it. Its controls and display are integrated into those of the car, and it doesn't burn through my phone plan's data allotment.
downloaded maps will keep that from happening. all it will grab online are traffic updates and road closures. head units still require map updates and a good example is alpine. 59.99