This may not win the prize but should be in the top 5, I have put 115k miles on this Prius and I do not even have any pets! The original owner had 4 or 5 dogs that traveled everywhere with her and I just THOUGHT I had found all the pet hair. I did earlier look in the intake and exhaust ports but did not go deep enough to see the fan until viewing some videos, ect., wish I had done it sooner. MPG is still good at 45 for a Gen 3 model V with 206k so maybe I dodged a bullet. Dr Prius temps were just below 115F for the middle sensor but I am sure I have lost some battery over these last years. Some hair had also made it into the battery area but I believe I fished it out. Looks like a hamster lost out on the cage wheel but I know it was just dog hair because of the handfuls I pulled out from under the rear seat when I purchased the car. A lot older and a little wiser, you cannot check those fans enough! I think I will hang it on the wall as a reminder.
That's really funny because all of my pre from 04 to 13 I have whipped open the fans hoping to see this clogged business and all that all my impellers are white just like the cases of the fan not even gray from dust it's actually quite funny I just cleaned up the connectors waterproof them sealed them up close them all back up nothing happened there and then I see these pictures
I definitely had the satisfaction of knowing I had made a difference! I have watched some videos where they comment on how dirty, and you can barely see anything. Now I am wondering when the fan is supposed to be running? I cannot hear mine and would not be suprised if it was burned out by the mess. I have not checked it very many times yet but also would it throw a code if not spinning?? Either I have helped the batteries or the 12v battery disconnect reset has improved something because I am seeing 4-5 MPG improvement around town. (I had already done some hard resets lately without the MPG improvement) Highway driving only went up 1 MPG. Not really into logging miles per tankful yet, I would rather believe the computer for now, especially since I am only looking at changes before and after, not focusing on the actual number. Thanks
I've never heard ours, but was monitoring (with ScanGauge II) for some times, and it was supposedly running, quite regularly, and at different speeds. Even under "optimum" conditions, running with fully warmed car, lower speed secondary highway, cool evening, battery would be around 35C and fan on speed 2 (out of maybe 5 speeds). On a slow day maybe I should check ours again, it's been a few years.
Several possibilities: 1. Your battery was impacted due to no air flow and is doing better now. 2. You just got a tank of summer blend and are running better. 3. You are paying attention to your driving now that gas is high. All can make a difference but #2 and 3 are most likely.
I have wanted a ScanGauge II for my Mercedes Sprinter for a while, if it does ok with the Prius also I may go ahead and purchase one. I could remove the door trim and run my inspection camera through the intake and just monitor the video screen while someone else is driving.
It is cool, but apparently the constant weight on the OBD port starting causing isses with mine. I kept getting "check hybrid system" alerts, with work-to-rule brakes. Ceased using SG, and problem stopped.
My first impression was that I didn’t have brakes. Then, I see they’re still working, but it takes significantly more effort, and they’re not as linear. Plus every brake related light on the dash was lit. dealership dismissed codes, called it a “handshake” thing. A couple of times. Third time mechanic notes his Techstream connection was intermittent, suggested not using SG and see if that helps. I followed that advice and had no more issues.
Wonder if anyone else using a SG can chime in with the same issue? Anyway, the inspection camera will do the job just for on/off operation. Would be interesting to see speeds registered. Thanks
Would be very convenient to use a filter with the grille cover removable. I will need to look again but I did not notice my cover can be removed.
All accounts make sense, although I am not up on the blending thing. (we buy most of our fuel from Costco, regular grade) I am even trying not to baby the pedal, but it was so exciting to see a boost that I really wanted to see it last ! The real test will be when I turn it back over to my wife who normally drives it, although she usually keeps the numbers up as much or more than I.
They sell a cover that snaps over the vent holes. I put the mesh in there to make sure I not only caught the fur, but also any dirt. And I just pull it off and rinse it in the sink and put it back on.
I AGREE! I am afraid it will go viral with any additional attention, I wonder if I could make enough money from it to purchase a spare EGR cooler! No, seriously, do you need any salt and pepper to go with that hair ball you just swallowed? Over and out.