after 2 months and just over 3000 miles i have my first (hopefully my last) door ding. i think a car did it backing out and turning as the ding is very shallow but square. it has two distinctive lines about 2 inches apart and about 2 inches long. it looks like the width of that plastic rubber bumper liner that some older cars have. i got lucky in that the dent is shallow and no paint was removed or even stratched for that matter. sniff well im off to the auto parts store for a pops a dent kit... wish me luck!
Ouch! I just noticed my first one on the passenger side door. After Dianne graciously had my car washed when I was dropping by to say hello (Thanks again!), I noticed a paint mark on the door. 14.2k miles was quite a ways to wait for that - I'm amazed. My '02 didn't last nearly that long. Good luck on your extraction!
Good luck! I'm curious to know how those kits work, let us know how it works out! (I had my back-bumper slightly nicked by someone pulling out behind me - one tiny scratch and a bit of abrasion that just clouded a bit of the plastic a bit - hopefully I can buff it out or wax it over). Doesn't really show, but _I_ know it's there... Dave
Dave, sorry to hear about the ding... the first is worst... I have thought about welding a 1" piece of steel all around my cars in the past... I had a Brat and was parked in a parking lot came out to find a dent that had to be made by a bigger truck.. someone who got worse milage than I did... if I do it it's not so bad....I guess Rick...thats why I never wash my car...I hold my breath as I walk around looking for the chips.....haha
I had my Prius parked in the office parking lot. One of the grounds crew was mowing the grass and got the mower too close the the rear bumper. I now have a nice primer stripe about 8 inches long and about a thirty-second of an inch wide right on the crease of the bumper. Luckily it looks like a highlight where the light is reflecting off the paint. But it really POed me.
well a trip to the local auto parts store and $19.95 for a Ding King... they didnt have Pops A Dent. and after only 6 applications, i do believe i have near perfect results. as of right now, i really have to look to see the dent and im not sure that i can see it because there is something to see or that i know where it was. i tested it on 2 other people and no one could find it even after i told them what general area it was in. to make a long story short, if you have the right kind of dent, then this system works great. the dent must be smaller than a grapefruit (mine was 1.5 " in height and 3.25 " long) and not be on a corner or body line (mine was smack dab in the middle of the passenger side rear door panel) and it only works if the paint job is factory original (iow, no repaints... plunger would probably pull the paint off the car) but the way the thing works is that you get a glue gun and you melt this glue stick and coat the end of a plunger (there were two with my kit, a football shaped one and a round one) and stick the plunger to the car on the dent. let it sit 5 minutes. then attach bridge and crank the handle until the plunger pops off the car. then re-evaluate dent and scrape plunger, reapply glue and stick to car again. it took me 6 pops and a slight push to get a good result. here is a pic of the kit and the 1) Bridge used to support plunger when pulling dent 2)Cleaner. it is used to clean area of car before use and to clean glue off car. (it usually stays stuck to the plunger. make sure you clean car first to reduce sticking i had paint sealer on my car but i dont think that makes a difference) 3) Plungers a round one and an oval one. 4)Scrapper. used to remove the glue from plunger. 5) handle for plunger 6)umm... white thing... i guess it is used to push dents back in if pulled too far out. (i used my thumb) it is plastic like and possibly teflon coated??? now im gonna drive around for a few days and see if the job holds up. then im going to go shopping for a motion activated surveillance camera...
you have more guts than I would...i'd be off to MACCO for me... I read that you tried it on two people... I don't read good, and thought you meant you tried the Ding king on them...hmmmm Bob
As I walked out to my car from the grocery store I thought I saw a ding in my rear bumper. I was ready to dismember someone with a dull teaspoon. It was just the light, and the first day of rain in weeks (thank god). I am going to have to adapt to the silver color and how the light plays on it. I am very sorry about the Suburban driver. I also promise to keep my dull teaspoon in my pocket.