I wanted to share this epoxy I have used to repair several plastic parts on the Prius. Originally found when I struggled with a plastic repair project, I had to glue ABS to Plexiglass for a project and nothing lasted but after googling it came down to a certain chemistry of epoxy that worked best, MMA Adhesive. I am not sure if it is best for everything on the Prius, but so far I have repaired one of my broken dash vent trim pieces, the rear tailgate hatch handle, and a rear view mirror that cracked. The repairs are holding up very well, even though they take some abuse. The stuff stinks, so you'll need to work outdoors or with ventilation, and it sets up rather quickly so you want to glue quickly or in small batches.
That’s the stuff I use to repair the plastic parts on my Range Rover. Land rovers chemical engineers are 4 X worse than Toyotas. Brittle plastic snaps and on a 20 year old truck then are very hard to find so I just have to repair what I have left. great stuff.