I've got pliers for electronics... but watching vids on some of the repairs, and having struggled through some others, I'm realizing a few simple tools will help a LOT. How long a bent-tip needle nose do I want? Any favorites?
Thanks! I'll go for the longest ones to start Amazing how helpful these can be for releasing various clips. In the discussions of removing the HV battery pack, I don't think this was ever mentioned! But it's used a TON for under the hood work - EGR etc...
I keep the 7 and 9 in straight and angled and I have 12 and 16 in and straighten angled and I use them all quite a bit the super long ones are great for reach and squeezing like radiator clamps and the like coolant hose squeeze clamps things like that. I do like the channel lock branded tools they are reasonably priced and last forever and they make some of the tool makers brands of flyers also but you can also buy cheap junk they will deserve you well just throw them out when they're done like all of them