Going to get a new Toyota battery pack for my '13 v. From the picture of the pack, it looks like you unbolt the relays/fan/ecu from the old pack and swap over. Does it come out as one assembly or individual parts? Just trying to figure out if easy swap or a little more complicated. Most You Tube videos just show removing the whole assembly or taking out the modules - not just swapping out the battery pack as whole. G951076012
It's one assembly. I did mine but didn't get from toy. At least your not getting a used battery. What is toy charging you? I had to reuse my battery holder. So I still had to disassemble and I doubt toy gives you everything.
with an oem, you remove the battery, swap a bunch of stuff into the new battery, then install the new battery. there are threads here with more details.
Found a video. Was going to try and remove and take core with me but thought I had better make sure I have all the pieces (and can take lots of pictures) I need before doing that. Picking up the battery today - was $2050.
I got my battery from newpriusbatteries.com $1600 delivered without core charge. I sold the old battery on Craigslist for $300.
Got it replaced today. Pretty easy actually - hardest part was getting the module in and out of the car. Cleared the codes and it looks like a bunch of them are pending again. Taking back to dealer that did the head gasket - I think they must have done something to the wiring harness.
Thanks. There is an ASE mobile mechanic who lives in my neighborhood who fixed some wiring issues on my Miata. Tempted to just call him bc the dealer will likely deny they did anything or charge me to fix something else.
Anybody reading this DO NOT purchase a used gen 3 especially if it has over 150,000 miles unless you like pain and suffering. If you do like pain and suffering you will be very pleased the longer you have it.