One of my key fobs has been lost. Any suggestions on where to get a replacement? The dealer wants a huge amount of money. Thanks in advance. 2012 Prius v Non-ATP
Some locksmiths can do it. You do need a new fob and reprogramming of the car security regardless. Shop dealers and locksmiths.
A good automotive locksmith should be able to get you a replacement (and program it for your car) for half of what the dealer will charge. Still will cost more than $100. Also, the "emergency key" needs to be cut.
Ebay..................... It will be need to be programmed. That will take toyota techstream.....wtih cable....ebay
I purchased a key fob from a reputable seller on ebay, paid like 70 for mines, make sure it has the Toyota symbol on the back, paid like 80 bucks for it and any lock smith will program and cut the key for you. in fact Ace hardware also can program it for you too. way too over priced at the dealer, 350 bucks for a key fob... not this guy!!!