OK, this has happened twice in one week now. I plug in the garage 120V at 11PM and go to bed. Usually all is fine, and find 100% charge in the morning. Twice now, something has faulted. The factory-supplied 120V cable box is blinking fault, and the charge window displays power supply interrupted, check source, or something like that. I plug directly into the wall, use no extension cords, and make sure nothing else is pulling any significant current on the garage circuit. This is not "scheduled," as I haven't bothered setting that up yet. It usually takes around 5 hours, but on both occasions it only charged to about 55%. Is this likely to be an issue with the onboard charging assembly or perhaps in the provided factory cable? I note that the breaker is not tripped, so it's not over-current to that point. I'm thinking it has to be either the cable and box are bad, or the Prius charger system. Does it throw a code internally that the service tech might read? Hate to take it in for this, but it is annoying and the car is brand new.
Have you tried using a different outlet preferably one that is on a separate circuit from the outlet you have been using? If the charging test passes, then you have some problem with the internal wiring or outlet receptacle on the circuit you were using.
We had a coffeemaker that seemed to routinely trip the GFCI outlet. It turned out to be the outlet itself. You could try recharging overnight using a different outlet on a different line. The cost of a 12-gauge extension-cord (roughly $40) is cheaper than going to the dealer, then you'll have the cord available for opportunity charging later. You could also just replace the outlet.
Make sure the cord is at least 12-gauge. An alternative test is to lower draw (via an option in the car) from 12 amps to 8.
Shutting down about 2.5 - 3 hrs. into charge; I'm guessing it tripped the thermal limiter on your safety brick. You should check the tension of that socket your plugging into. A loose outlet connector will increase resistance and generate heat; thereby tripping the thermal limiter. You can verify this by checking the plug 1.5 - 2 hours into charge - it should NOT be warm to the touch. Replace that outlet, if your capable.
Hi First time post so be gentle... Is it okay to do short and sweet charges say a 1 hour session over 4 days or just stick to a full four session to charge the battery. Haven't got a prius plugin yet waiting for the dealer to get a used one in which is within the next couple of weeks I've been told.
I can't think of any harm in doing short sessions, but why? If you do only a 1-hour charge on an empty traction battery and have to drive the car before the second session, you are not going to have enough charge. It's such a small battery. Only takes ~6 hours to fully charge at 120v, or ~2 hours on 240v.
Just thinking about trying to charge my car in my lunch hour at the local supermarket which provides free charging! I'm in the UK and they provide 7k charging
Oh, I see. If you are using 240v charging, then yeah, do it as often as you can find a free charger. There is no harm in doing that and even 1 hr of charging at 240V is going to fill somewhere around 60-70% SOC. Charging slows down after reaching 80%. so the bulk of charging is actually done in the first 1.5 hours of the L2 charging session.