Yesterday, I managed to eek 86mpg to Los Angeles from Palm Springs (118 miles) then 66mpg on the way back. The Prius truly is an impressive little machine!
Does your 86mpg include ~25miles EV range? I just did ~300 miles on mostly highway drive and managed to get 79mpg with 33% traction battery used. I have ~300miles today for my return trip, but I may not have to refuel. Once home, I will be OK with the home charge only for another month or so before needing to put more gas in the tank.
That's pretty good! On my return trip yesterday, 259.1miles (non-stop) resulted in 72.0mpg (on the dash), but this includes using up 67% SOC in the traction battery. Overall, the total round trip was 556.2 miles, at 75.5mpg (on the dash). I started with a freshly filled full tank of gas and full charge of the traction battery (no refill or recharge during the trip), and I now have 2 pips of fuel left with 124 miles DTE left in my car after the completion of the trip. So, I could have gone at least 680 miles before the empty light comes on, and if I really push to really empty which is ~2 gals more of gas in the tank, I could easily reach 800 miles distance from a full tank and a full charge. But, I drove 10-15mph slower than I usually drive on this same trip. That added a full 2 hours longer driving. Yeah, if I am in hurry, I can't do the most efficient drive.
That's just it! You have to take your time and not rush, I can easily get over 75 MPG without having to try too hard. The range seems to be updated based on just the Hybrid operation while the EV distance travelled does not enhance the range from what I can tell, but it will boost your MPG. My range is at 630 right now, which isn't bad at all.