Got in my 2002 Prius today and the speedometer is reading way way faster than I am driving. Because I have to guess how fast I was going, to keep up with traffic it said I was going 109 mph. Looking for insight and advice. Thank you.
I'm sure there must be some type of electronic speed sensor circuitry that gives you the two or three digit display in your dash that is speed don't know the gen one that well but something has to tell that display what numbers to put on that screen and that may be going south the part that does the sensing
I never sat in a Gen I, but in my Gen II, there was a MPH to KPH button. 109 KPH would be 68 MPH. I would look for a MPH/KPH button*wxoui9*_tmna_ga*NjUxNzA3NDg3MDgzMTk2OF80NzEzNzQ1NTc2ODUxMDA3*_tmna_ga_EP43E5EFVZ*MTY0OTIwODI1NC4yLjEuMTY0OTIwODMwNC4xMA. Either pg 3 or Page 16 should have a drawing of the dash
As embarrassing as this is, I'm just going to OWN this mistake. I went out and there is a MPH/KPH on the dash. Pushed it and it went right back to MPH. My 2 year old grandson got loose in there yesterday and pushed every button he could before I caught him. Thank you for priceless help!
Lets just say there is a reason I knew this answer. My wife's co-workers thought it was hilarious every time. 2 year olds, engineers, it is just the same.