
Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Bob Allen, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    I got an email from a Toyota dealer in Tacoma, about 40 miles from Seattle, informing me that he had two Prii; one is pretty close to what I want. I called him and found out that they are adding 3000 bucks to the price just because they think they can get it. They'll hold the car for three weeks and if it's not sold by then, they'll take the highest offer.
    I put an order in with a Seattle area dealer for the car with no gross markup; does that mean the dealer is free to gouge me later for an additonal price, or does my order give me a reasonable chance of getting a Prius honestly. Dianne?
    Should I swallow hard and get the one with the markup? What have you found (anyone, all of you) ?
    p.s. by the time I get enough responses the car will probably be gone and my question thusly answered.
  2. cybele

    cybele New Member

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles
    When I first started looking for a Prius, I went back to the dealer where I test-drove a classic. That was Toyota of Glendale (I'd also had my car serviced there). This was June (I think).

    They knew nothing of the car. I wanted to pre-order one, sight unseen and was willing to put down a deposit, but they had nothing to tell me.

    So, I left my number and went home. I found the YGs and later Dianne and ended up placing my order with her online.

    But months later (probably October or November) I got a call from Glendale offering me at Driftwood BC for 2K over sticker. The salesman was quite offensive (laughing at me, actually laughing at me) when I said that I was not only not interested in paying more than sticker (which I probably would have) but I would do my best to let everyone know of his behavior.

    Lo and behold, I got a call back about an hour later offering me the car for MSRP.

    I still said no. I ended up waiting for my car from Dianne. For two reasons, I knew I was getting my car from someone who was knowledgeable about the product and able to respond to my questions and two because I told her I was going to buy it from her. She didn't waste my time and I wasn't about to waste hers.

    I had no fear going to Carson Toyota. Let's face it, there are some slimy car dealers out there and they've left a bad taste in my mouth often enough, but I had no such anxiety there. (And I was once 'banned' from a dealership because I called them on some disreputable tactics.)

    Any time you give in and pay more than you should, you're telling them it's okay. Toyota doesn't want them to. There's plenty of profit built into the car. Even if they didn't want to set up a waitlist system and manage it, at MSRP not one of their cars would be on the lot once word got around that they had them.

    That said, if you can get them to give it to you for MSRP and it is what you want, then by all means, buy it. What you should do is make it clear with the dealership that you have your order with that you expect to pay sticker for it. Get it in writing if you have any bad vibes about it.
  3. tag

    tag Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2003

    It means you get the car for the agreed upon price if the dealer (or an authorized agent) signed the contract.

    Your post prompted to (yet again) pull out my sales contract. Now, it appears I'm pretty much at the mercy of the dealer because, at the bottom of the contract there are THREE sig lines; one for the purchaser, one for the dealer or authorized agent, and one for, believe it or not, the salesman.

    I specifically stated that I wanted to have a signed agreement when I ordered the car. The salesman said, "Sure, I'll sign it". I thought it was a done deal.......until now. The "Accepted for Dealership" sig line is, of course, blank and, of course, at the bottom the following words appear: "THIS ORDER IS NOT BINDING UPON THE DEALER UNLESS SIGNED AND ACCEPTED BY THE DEALER OR HIS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE". I have no idea why I missed that nor why they would have a signature line for a salesperson when, clearly, a salesperson's signature on the order binds the dealer to nothing.

    First thing tomorrow the dealer is getting a call. One of two things WILL happen; (1) I will get an authorized signature on my contract and a reasonable estimate for delivery, or (2) I will immediately cancel my order and request a full refund of my deposit.

    Scumbag dealer! Geez!
  4. ericrernst

    ericrernst New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
    Oh Great !

    I jsut pulled out my sales agreement (after reading Tag's post) and have the same potential problem. I have a faxed copy of an agreement that is no better than the honor/honesty of the dealer. Fortunately, the dealer I found one at is in a small town, so I "think" i'll be ok, but next time I'll read all the #$%#%^$^&* fine print.
  5. Wolfman

    Wolfman New Member

    Nov 28, 2003
    Williston, ND.
    Other Hybrid
    Personally, I would tell them to go take their price gouging and take a hike. The car shortage will be temporary. I laugh at those who paid premiums for the VW Beetle, and the PT Cruiser. One can now easily deal on a Beetle, and the PT is carring factory incentives.

    While I doub't that the Prius will ever get to that point, you will be able to get one for a reasonable price, even if it means to wait. I got a $2,000 price REDUCTION on my leftover classic. In the long run, you'll be glad you did. There is no exuse for a stealership to make markups like that, and it's why they have the reputation that they do. :guns:
  6. johnp

    johnp New Member

    Dec 20, 2003
    Moses Lake, WA
    Bob, It may ease your mind to know that I ordered my car and received it 8 weeks later and paid the agreed upon, less than MSRP, price. I had a written purchase agreement signed only by the salesman. I also wrote a memo of understanding and mailed it to the salesman to ensure that my perception of our agreement was clear. The dealership was Town Toyota in East Wenatchee WA.

    I was glad I took the agreement with me to pick up the car as the "closer" had some confusion as to what MSRP on this particular car was and tried to charge for the stereo upgrade that was not there and for some reason tried to charge extra for alloy wheels and then forgot to apply my deposit to the bottom line. I found it ineresting that all these "mistakes" favored the dealer.

    I think you can hold them to the deal but stay alert during the final stages to avoid getting stuck. Take all written documentation with you when the time comes to pick up the car.

    Good Luck! This car is so worth the wait.

  7. satchm0

    satchm0 New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
    St Charles, MO
    It's funny. The first dealer I contacted was asking $2100 over MSRP, including a non-refundable $500 deposit AND they did not have a car to even test drive. They also told me no dealer in town has a car to test drive (I live in the St Louis area). I laughed and said "no thanks".

    The next two dealers I contacted each had a vehicle to test drive and were both charging MSRP.

    Not only was this first dealer price gouging, but they out-and-out lied to my face about the lack of cars in the area. And they wonder why they get a bad rep?!?

    Not only would I never pay a penny over MSRP (just for principal), but a finance company will not finance a car for more than it's worth AND you will never recoup those additional funds.

    Dealers -- don't you just love 'em!
  8. bbridgewater

    bbridgewater New Member

    Jan 23, 2004
    Tulsa, OK
    I checked my sales agreement, too! Then I called and asked the dealership to fax me another copy to make sure theirs looks like mine (I'm a skeptic). They did, it did, and everything is signed. My price is MSRP and they waived their standard $199 processing fee, so I think I'm okay. I'll keep bumming rides until my Prius arrives or my friends get tired of me or it gets warm enough to ride my bike....

  9. starla30

    starla30 New Member

    Jan 18, 2004
    Northampton MA, USA
    2004 Prius
    When I went to buy my Prius I left with what I now think is way too little paperwork. All I have is a brochure for extended warranty, a privacy notice, and a C.O.D & Delivery check list which just lists the tax and what I told them I will pay for the deposit. That's it. I don't have anything that says Prius on it or what my options are, and nothing that says how much I agreed to pay. I was a little worried about that and now that I'm reading this thread I realize I'm missing some paperwork from the dealer. I'm not too worried about getting screwed as my step-mother is a repeat customer there (she's on her third corolla) and they wouldn't want to lose her. But I'll call them tomorrow.
  10. Fredo

    Fredo Junior Member

    Jan 29, 2004
    I hadn't even thought about these problems. I just got lucky with a with a good dealer and salesman. I had a sheet listing the Prius with my options, the MSRP prices, deposite, and trade-in offer. It even listed he $89 paperwok fee. I hadn't thought of it as a contract, and I'm not even sure it was signed. When I picked up my car, all the numbers matched up. They did make the salesman re-write the sheet, though, because I'd already sold my old car and didn't have a trade-in. It may have been more of a contract than I had thought, I expected them to just cross out the trade-in , and may-be make a note of it.

    And for Satchm0, or anyone else in St. Louis, I got my car from Jerry Ackerman Toyota, and the salesman was Larry Rother. Both get high marks for being friendly and helpful. And they seem knowledgeable about the Prius.
  11. jeffrey

    jeffrey New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
    Like Fredo above, I also had a very straightforward transaction. I deposited last July with $100, fully refundable, and received a contract in return listing my exact car and all the numbers (alas, pure MSRP). In November they called and offered me an alternate car, and I declined in favor of the one I ordered whick I took delivery on on December 17th. No games, simply what we had agreed upon including my trade and a lack of add-ons like toyoguard :)

    FWIW the dealer was Northampton Toyota in Northampton, MA.
