I really just want to throw this out there because it's really starting to become a problem, I drive a prius on my daily commute and I drive most of the time with other traffic on a 55mph road but take advantage of the hybrid system when i can, on my commute I get about 50 mpg in my prius v Just yesterday I got called to the other office for a meeting and got stuck behind 4 other prius drivers going 30 mph or less on single lane backroads, I was 20 minutes late to my meeting because of them! I understand everyone is trying to get the best fuel economy during these high gas prices but when you are holding up 20+ cars behind you, please get out of the way so we can do our thing! Thank you! I really hope we can spread the word around and keep the flow of traffic moving efficiently!
it was probably me, but i always drive the limit, never over. what is it with people who plan trip arrivals based on something above the speed limit? hard to believe anyone is driving the limit in cali. everyone here is still flooring it from lights and doing up to twice the limit. and cali was way worse last time i was out there.
Around here someone doing 30 mph on a "single lane" (each way) backroad is a hazard because of hills and curves when the speed limit is 55 or 60. Usually those roads are 60 with the worst blind curves 45. Because of limited sightlines, passing zones are not common and oncoming traffic usually negates them. On a typical area freeway, 55 mph is the minimum with 70 mph the maximum. On most other roads, if a driver is going fifteen miles below the speed limit in good driving conditions, he can be considered to be impeding traffic and it is a ticketable offense.
No offense but you shouldn’t be required to in person between multiple semi distant locations in the same day. They should consider a webex or zoom option or schedule such that you aren’t flexing mid shift between facilities I say this having been there
I hate "prius smug" more than the average person, but THEY WERE moving efficiently. YOU were the one being inefficient. Allow more drive time....or re-route. Good Luck!
Some peoples time is worth less than others. Placing high importance on time usually wastes undervalued resources
"Stroads," the worst kind of street OR road. You just can't expect good things when shared resources are being used for opposed purposes simultaneously.
I do, usually when I’m driving slow it’s because I’m in an NEV that doesn’t physically have the ability to move faster what is unfortunate is that you can be on an empty 4-6 lane highway going the speed limit, someone races up to your rear, stays in the right lane, goes apeshit and never once considers that there are only 2 cars on a 4 to 6 lane highway, AKA there is this thing called a steering wheel but they can’t use it for some reason I also avoid roads with other drivers due to their propensity to crash randomly without reason. My ideal driving experience is when I can drive and not see another car on the road, the benefits of having country roads everyone bypasses for the highway
Everyone wants private roads at public prices. Car commercials have been milking depopulation fantasy themes for a while now.
same experience here. there's always some nuts who think the right lane is the passing lane. then they come to places like prius chat to complain
Unless it is literally a single lane (with opposing two-way traffic, like a one-lane bridge), one can always make the executive decision to pass in the opposite lane.
I'm just picturing a biker gang but with Priuses and instead of reving their engine, they're all feathering the gas pedal to try to keep it in ev mode, lol. I find myself trying to stretch the number up often, but it really doesn't matter other than feeling like a game (especially compared to my sequoia). I usually limit my slow driving to one road that goes by a sheriff's office, where I get about 2 miles+ at exactly the speed limit in ev mode and feel justified to not speed past the cops, and then through the neighborhood that cuts into my street I will say a lot of the jacked-up trucks around here have been a little less prone to tailgate and speed lately, and many are really slow off the line too, but I'd still rather deal with that than $4-5 gas
I haven't notice anyone driving slower than prior to high gas prices. Until I do, I don't believe the gas prices are actually slowing people down, with the odd exception here and there. I would love to see the average number of speeding citations handed out by month. I'll have to see if I can find that somewhere.