I bought one of these cargo area mats last summer from Costco when it was on sale for $20, now $30. Fits perfectly, no trimming needed. Probably also available elsewhere. Very high quality. Michelin also sells floor mats on Costco webs https://www.costco.com/michelin-universal-trunk-mat-trim-to-fit.product.100681299.html
Wow. Small world. Curious? Are you leaving CF at year end for work? Student ? None of my business really!
I sent you a message on your profile! hit your name and you should see it. Only will work on computer actually not tapatalk. And i’m a student at a main iowa college in a different town but got an internship in cf, so i’ve been here since May. going back to finish my last semester in january
Congrats on closing in on the finish line for school. I did read the message on my profile page. Appreciate the offer. May take you up on that.
So if I understand correctly, you have 1 fob that is fully functional- the lock and unlock buttons work and the car will unlock when you go up to it with the fob in your pocket and then you can just hit the power button and drive off. Does the mechanical key work in the door lock cylinder (good idea to lube that with some light oil- WD-40?) Also the dealer included a second fob but that doesn't "work" or operate the car. Does the little red LED on the fob come on when you press a button? If so you should be able to add this fob to your prius- it's easier with a functioning Techstream scantool, but you can search the Gen2 forums here for "the chicken dance" to do it without a scantool. This assumes that the car has less than 5 fobs in memory. AND it assumes that the new fob is correct- may have to carefully open both fobs up and compare the numbers that are on the circuit boards. Has the mechanical key for this fob been cut and does that work the door lock cylinder? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Well? Apparently our new toy needs something! Went to go for a drive this AM and got a bunch of warning lights. Including the red triangle, vsc, check engine, brake exclamation in parens, tire exclamation in parens and hybrid vehicle theft deterrent. My oil is a bit overfilled right now which I did not know could be a issue. Oh boy! Went about a block and turned around and parked. Second time we were going for a ride since we brought it home?
same thing happened to me when i got my first oil change and it was overfilled. Mine would not go in D or R though, went limp in the middle of my drive
Interesting. We drove the car home 20 miles from the dealer without issue. A week later we drove another 20 miles on a casual outing. Both slow and hwy speeds. No issues on either drive? Could the high oil level be causing problems due to the cold weather? By chance? The oil level may be a half inch high. Maybe less.
half an inch high on the dipstick sounds like a lot over. I would suggest draining some so it is at the proper level. If you have a code reader too that would be ideal as well. If it is a result of too much oil, this is what toyota dealership did to get me back on the road.
I pulled out 11 oz of excess oil and unhooked the 12 volt battery. So far it seems fine. No warning lights on a 10 mile drive. Guess time will tell.
Yepper it did indeed come off the lot overfilled. The dealer ran it through the shop prior to us taking possession. Guessing a tech added oil to be sure it left home base topped off. That oil is so clear he likely misread the level and added plenty! I am still above the full line a tad bit. My MightyVac/ 2 part hose setup would not reach any deeper. Seems to be happy now.
Bit of a update on the o'le Prius. After a few stumbling blocks were overcome we (my wife in particular) have been enjoying the car nicely. The ECM and 12v batt are now new. The car has been averaging 43 mpg on a 22 mile commute along with running grandkids around town and other daily errands etc. Good timing on buying our first hybrid to monkey with. Starting to consider a newer model for myself. Or more likely the wife!
Can only imagine. Until then we plan on running the wheels off this one! Many thanks to everyone who has commented/contributed.
When your invertor coolant pump dies.....about 100K, I would go OEM. Lots of cheap Amazon pumps that die after 6 months. buy once cry once. and remove the drivers headlight to get to the pump. You toob has lots of videos. Watch them 6 times. I paid $172 with tax for a new pump for my wifes car when hers died. 113K 2008 model. Pump was orginal. I have a 2008 also 117K im replacing mine next before it dies and leaves me stranded. Also. CLEAN YOUR HYBRID BATTERY FAN. 4 hours with Q tips and compressed air goes a long way. do this once every 75K miles. or more if you live on dirt roads. dirty area. etc. Welcome and good Luck.