Hello to all of you, and a special thanks to john1701a, My dad received as a gift the new 2008 Toyota Highlander Hybrid, and I use it too. He is not a computer man, yet, but he loves it. Stll on break in, first refuel yesterday, by me, Texaco 87 with Techron....expensive, $0.877 per liter...After all the introductions, everything on while explaining everything since last March 26, I think its ok that the average gas mileage was around 22.54 mpg, not knowing if my brother reset correctly the tripmeter after refueling it before giving it to my dad. I recommended any Toyota Hybrid, showed Consumer's Reports, john's wbe site, magazine....and, he chose the Highlander Hybrid....I even received marriage proposals after some women knew about this..... I learned many things at john1701a web site since years ago. Well, have to study for a test, I will post later. God Bless You All, Pablo 24
Hola Pablo, Be sure to check out HybridChat as well as there is a Highlander Hybrid specific section there that is growing but a good source of info if you have questions.
PriusChat compliments the website I maintain, a "for more info" resource that I'm happy to refer to. Glad you joined in here! .
I left Borinquen before PriusChat began. I miss its style of celebrating Christmas, and many other things. What I do not miss I shall not describe here.
Twenty years ago I saw a Prius NHW11 at Plaza Las Americas in San Juan. It was a life-changing experience for me. Maybe less so for other lookie loos and for the presenters. But I was able to explain to both groups how the thing worked. Ay Dios.
Yeah i can imagine, 20 years back, seeing a car as the Prius, with so much technology, yet so reliable, and to this day the car is still amazing. Do you know Spanish?
I couldn't sell the misses on either Gen 1 Prius or Insight. Finally hit pay dirt with a Gen 2 Civic Hybrid which was good for it's 8 year warranty, After that it was turned into a mechanics special. Still have it though, even with all the extra work needed to keep it road worthy. Been trying to explain how hybrids work and why they work in such and such ways, seemingly since year 1, with limited success or influence. I think it's either, words are too big to grasp or the dreaded driving style changes to reap substantial hybrid rewards.