After a year plus of gas prices being stagnant in my area, I have noticed the price jumping up a dime to 15 cents over the last few days. Anyone else notice this? ( I know Prime drivers don't pay attention to such things but still...)
Gasbuddy shows a recent small jump in your state, but only if you look back just one month, not three months. Nationwide, it is less pronounced. My region, no change.
Might be 10 cents more here. Consider that winter blend is usually lower than summer. Maybe OPEC's cut backs have finally started having an impact to supply?
Crude prices are creeping up. But even in the new "COVID reality" of less travel, I suspect that it is the seasonal holiday bump......because they CAN.
Also a lot of supply of both crude oil and refined products have been removed from the market due to low prices and low demand. Many of the shale drillers are either bankrupt or mothballed. Other crude oil sources are at lower rates of production. Less efficient refineries have been shut down.
I got robbed at the gas station tonight. right after i had a chance to call the police and they responded quickly. i told them my money is gone... the police asked me if i know who did it. I said yes it was pump #5.
I was just there on March 7, an hour or so after the price went up 20 cents to $4.20. The time before was January 26 at $3.36 and then September 2 at $2.99. We're back down now to about $3.99.
So far, 5 fill-ups since I purchased my current PP last July. That is a total of 42.6gal in ~10mo, 5600miles. The last fill-up was in Jan when the gas was at $3.299/gal. I still have a 1/4 tank left. Should be OK until summer.
I miss the 10 dollars every 2-1/2 weeks. BTW.... I notice my gas mileage has improved since I replaced my catalytic converter. Normally I get 42-45 mpg. Now it say 48.5mpg. I don't know if that's possible. But my car is hardly even eating any oil...
Your probably right. Ill wait till I finish my full tank. But if this really works... and even though I got ripped off on my catalytic, This would be a good improvement not just on gas mileage but even exhaust restriction and blow-by...I had an experience a very long time ago when I use to work on a lot of cars. There was a Cadillac coupe deville that they parked in the garage for like over 12 years. I soaked all the cylinders with mystery oil so I can start freeing up the cylinders and slowly till I got all the electrical parts running, I rebuilt the carburetor, drop the fuel tank, flush all the gas lines. Anyways I got compression back and should be ready to fire. It wont start. I double checked everything firing order, cam and piston position , high tension wire voltage... It has to start no matter what... There was only on thing I haven't done, I unbolt both exhaust flange, it fired up just like that.... So I remember that experience. Anyways back to the Prius, Ill let you guys know how it came out. The one thing I notice is the car feels like its floating. So far I didn't do anything besides the cat and change oil.....
We’re just shy of 8$/gallon (converted from litres). I’m just happy my daily driver is no longer my Xterra.