I just got the demo disc for Gran Turismo 4 from a guy on E-bay(they're sort of hard to find) Anyway, if you didn't know, one of the 2 cars you get to drive in it is a prius, and you chose the color. OK it's not like driving the real thing, but it's about as close as you could get on a game. It even has the energy readout and I'd say everything seems to respond just like the real thing, but with this I can crash(as I often do) without any worries(It doesn't seem to have any airbags though) and you can skid out with the E-brake. Unfortunately you only get to drive for 2 minutes in the demo. I can't wait for the real thing. I think it comes out in December. I think driving one on TV is the only way to get better MPG than the real thing.
Whatever we were supposed to do to get one from Toyota, I screwed it up. The disk wasn't unavailable when I tried. Maybe we NEEDED to ask for more than Prius info?...
They ran out I tried to go through Toyota too but there was already a message that said they were out of the demo discs. That would have saved me about $25, but I save more on a tank of gas anyways!