After perusing the chats on different ways to carry bikes on our new Prius we decided to order the Toyota OEM rack. The install was pretty straight forward with a couple of ??????! So I thought I'd hopefully share a couple of our stumbling points to maybe help someone in the future. First point is the instructions rely VERY heavily on pictures and as a result steered us wrong (or at least my interpretation of them did LOL). They showed a label on each bar with the label facing forward which I interpreted to mean "the labels go forward". WRONG. On ours they actually face the rear. Which may not seem all that important except they come fully assembled to the mounting feet and the feet are tapered. So I would suggest, ignore the labels and look at the base of the feet for the not too obvious "F" and "R". Other wise you will do as we did and begin to think "did they send us the wrong bars?" as they will appear to be too short. (Just in case "F" is "front" and "R" is "rear"). Second point is if you think they are too short and try to back out the adjustment screw and it starts to get tight, STOP. They aren't too short you probably have them turned around as we did! LOL If you get them out to far and they are tight you will need to use an adjustable wrench to get them started back in. One more point: the rear is shorter than the front. And the black mounting clips replace the ones that are located roughly in the center at the top of the door frames. And they will come out easily enough with a thin plastic card. Don't waste your money running out to buy body panel clip tools. Unless you get lucky, the tools will be too thick. All in all if you don't get them turned around the wrong way like we did, it should take you all of 10 minutes (including opening the box) to install them. We felt a little foolish since we have remodeled 4 houses over our married life, restored a beautiful old trailer, and even installed roof mounted racks like these on 4 different vehicles. AND these simple things had us stumped!!! LOL
Also remember to replace the standard plastic location plugs with those supplied by the OEM kit as they have holes in for the location pins on the OEM feet
Good job and I'm an engineer and, still, find some things I put together puzzling! My daughter bought a new entertainment center with a built-in fireplace (white) so I went over and put it together for her...instructions stunk. I got it all together, looked at it, and one of the bottom boards was only painted white on one side so there's bare wood staring at me...mocking me...haha you're an idiot. I looked it all over, and I would have to disassemble the entire thing to flip that board over. So I just went to the store and bought a can of shiny white paint and painted it....nobody can even tell!! She has a roof rack on her 2016 Mazda and the previous owner has minor hail damage and one of the end pieces on the roof rack is missing...looks terrible. After researching it, I found out she will have to buy a whole new roof rack to fix it. But since she never uses it, I told her I can just remove it for her...which is what she wants to do. (I'll reinsert the bolts and also put silicon in them to keep any water from getting in.)
That is a good point. With out them the feet would probably move and mess up the paint. One of the advantages of the OEM racks. Thanks for pointing them out.
So this just happened to my 2019 roof rack two days ago. Perhaps driving at higher speeds ain't great for it? More probable: The dealership installed it, and should have told me to check the tightness on the screws, or whatever they are, that hold these caps on. Ihave to wonder if it hit some vehicle behind me now.
Perhaps one of you could teach me a thing or two? I thought that the roof-rack tool they gave me would be for the star-things at the ends of the caps. Now that I finally looked at it, it's just an Allen wrench.
Yeah Allen key torque wrench first. Tighten both sides evenly. Left 10 quarter right 10 quarter etc. then once it clicks twice the covers. Press them in with your hand so you can secure with the star key. It the key meets any resistance push harder as the plastic lug has not engaged you need the star key. Talk to dealer about obtaining an 82 tooth key for the OEM kit
That “key” is a little plastic thing and you should have received 2 of them. I wonder if it would be safe to lube those latches? They were tighter than all get out!
Here’s a picture of the key. Check the glove box they may be in there. If the dealership did the install they owe you a new cover because it it had been installed correctly there is no way it would come off.
Mambo Dave I apologize for being a day late & a dollar short on some of this info but I hope you can take comfort in knowing that your misfortune caused me to take a closer look at my rack. I just noticed that on the star thing on the cover is a number (82 on your picture). Mine are vertical when unlocked and horizontal in the locked position (as your picture shows). Additionally they only turn a quarter of a turn (basically, 12:00 to 3:00 positions).
Well, that "82" is a security feature, and the key I got with the replacement end-piece kit is a different number with a different pattern, lol. I was hoping to change them all out, but now only have one new end-cap and three oxidized end-caps. I'm going to have to stop at a Toyota to see if they have a spare 82 key. Strangest damned thing is that nowhere in Google searches do any of those security keys / tools come up. I wouldn't mind ordering one from here, but I can't even find them mentioned anywhere.
I can’t help wondering if there isn’t a socket that fits these. To my uninformed mind, they look like the reverse of a torx driver. I think it is time to do a little search and see what turns up. The “keys” are too flimsy to withstand frequent use (again, to my uninformed mind).
They ARE torx!! My “79” key is between a T50 and a T55! Hopefully, next time I’m at the dealership I’ll remember to ask them what the numbers correspond to (or maybe one of our more informed members can enlighten me???????).