Can you please be more specific and offer more details? Also what type of device are you reading the error code with?
Ok. I have an innova OB2 scanner. Lately every startup brings triangle within 5 seconds. I scan and get p3060 . 4 Sensors on top of main battery are pressed into 4 different random cells across the top. Scanner also depicts its #2 sensor. Not sure what to do next.
Try Dr. Prius app instead... That error code doesn't make sense. And here's buyer's guide to make sure you have a viable OBD2 reader: Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus
P3060 means an open circuit or short in the battery temperature sensing harness, or a reading that is clearly out of range. That's one harness with five sensors on it (the four you have noticed poked into the modules, and one that measures the "inhaling air temperature"). It's under $40 list price. It's a bit odd for something to go wrong with that harness; the sensors are thermistors, which don't usually up and stop working. You might want to check for corrosion at the connector where it plugs into the battery ECU. Using an ohmmeter, you can check out the five sensors from the connector end of the harness and see if there's a problem. Their resistance changes with temperature (that's what thermistors do), but if you test them at around 25 ℃ (77 ℉), each one should be between 9 and 11 kΩ. If the harness checks out ok and cleaning up the connector pins doesn't resolve it, the battery ECU would be the next suspect.
I agree with this completely. The most common thing I see on DIY repairs is that the harness wires get pulled tight and it puts a severe bend (90 degree) in the wire right at the thermistor, which often leads to the wire cracking. No way to repair it. Often not immediately noticeable because there's a bit of heat shrink at that joint. This happens most often on the Gen 2 HV battery because the thermistors are on the bottom of the modules where DIYer doesn't see them until after they try to yank a module out, not realizing a thermistor is connected to the bottom.
My scanner says #2 in the harness has snapped. This is a replacement battery from 2 years ago. Also I only have 4 thermistors and at the end of harness is wires taped together.? There has been no issue until recently Is there a thermoster at the very end? if I have to replace harness does battery have to be removed from car. Thanks for responses!
Can you post the exact codes your scanner is showing you, and maybe a screenshot or pic of it saying #2 has snapped? From what I see in the repair manual, a P3060 code refers to the whole harness of five thermistors, and does not give more specific information about them individually. Only four of them go into battery modules. The fifth one is hidden where the cooling air from the fan enters, to measure the temperature of the "inhaling" air. (That's how it's translated in the manual. )
That's just a plain ol' mistake on the part of the Innova scan tool. The "detective line snapped" code is P3030. They somehow glommed two fortune cookies together there. P3 codes fall in a sort of strange "jointly defined" category. Perhaps there is some other car where P3060 is another "detective line snapped" code, and Innova just combines all the fortune cookies they've heard of. So it comes back to the usual advice: pay attention to the code. You can look the code up in the Repair Manual, and what you find there will be correct. Don't put much stock in any fortune cookie a scan tool happens to show you with the code, or in any fortune cookie you find for it by searching online.
I loosened the battery cover and base. Then rechecked starting and no p6030 and triangle light out. Later a turtle appeared and then 6030 returned when I hit the cruiser button. How is the turtle involved. I have ordered a battery temp. harness. Appears battery will have to be removed to replace harness. Not sure Thanks