Had the triangle of death, stop vehicle immediately, replaced ev water pump, still got the triangle of death. Had been noticing when fuel cap removed on occasions large amounts of air bieng forced out. Drilled a hole in fuel cap with smallest drill i could find and cars been running fine ever since.
It would be very helpful to at least include what trouble code your car was reporting. Otherwise I foresee a lot of fuel caps getting drilled in attempts to solve unrelated problems.
Many years ago a knuckleheaded dealership mechanic did just that to one of our cars. I'd heard a sound when parked on hot days, and learned later it was by design. Anyway, asked the service writer if that sound was normal, and their "solution" was to drill a hole through the gas cap. After smelling gas stink in the garage for a few days, I just effing gave up and bought a new cap, bigger fish to fry.
Because of Smog regulation we now use non-vented caps. Replacing the cap won’t fix it and drilling a hole in the Cap is covering up other problems.
The evap valve is either stuck open or closed depending if the hole is venting pressure or drawing a vacuum.