I had my windshield replaced on my 2017 Prime at Safelite a few weeks ago, and I dont drive at night much, but recently noticed my rear-view mirror is not dimming anymore. I know its all the same piece that they have to reattach, calibrate, etc., but I couldnt find any info that would tie the rear-view no longer dimming to uninstalling and reinstalling it on a new windshield. The green light goes on and off pushing the | and the O, but even with bright truck headlights behind me, no effect when I would turn it on and off with the lights behind me. Any ideas?
The split in the rear hatch glass casts a shadow directly over the small square light sensor of the mirror. It was bad enough on my 2016 Prius I was glad to have a manual mirror on my '22 Prime XLE.
Good idea, but thats not it, did another test when shining a light directly in with the rear hatch open.
Have you tried covering the sensor on the back of the mirror with your finger, in broad daylight? That test should trigger the mirror to dim. If it doesn’t (and of course is “On”), then the mirror is probably malfunctioning. Seems you have already confirmed there is power and that is good. Perhaps try pulling the fuse for a few mins and reinsert to “reboot” the mirror and see if it makes a difference? Not much else to think of at this point, maybe need to see a dealer or specialist. I can’t think of any reason a windshield replacement should affect this unless it is somehow resulting in unnatural light on the rear sensor.
Pop open the plastic cover with (see FITCAMX dash camera installation video for instructions). I’d post a link, but I’m not at home right now. As Trollbait suggests it is likely just a loose connection. Home now, here's a link: