So I ordered a Nightshade Edition Super white. Is there anything I should know? Just reading all the threads on GEn 4. Anything im missing? Thanks!
We just purchased Nightshade in Classic Silver Metallic. You probably already know that there is no spare. This is our first hybrid (coming from a 2008 Ford F-250 that we purchased new)!so you can imagine the learning curve I’m sure! . As we were leaving the dealership they had two Prius’ left and had just received word that they would not be getting ANYTHING for at LEAST one to two months! I was just over there today and the place was like a ghost town! When did they say to expect your’s? BTW Congrats on the order. I would have much preferred the white.
Nice ours came into Port yesterday!! So hopefully within the next 2 weeks! As for the spare I purchased a Donut and the foam that should be there....cost about 375. Worth it for peice of mind.