I check these sites about once every three weeks when I need gas. Some people seem to really keep the prices accurate. I'll tell you what, when there are differences up to $.20 per gallon, it's definately worth bookmarking. Word of advice, on the left side is the area locator. The top is for reporting; the lower for finding. Don't do what I did which was to try searching in the "reporting" portion. Check 'em out: http://www.chicagogasprices.com/ http://www.illinoisgasprices.com/
You can find your local gasbuddy site from http://gasbuddy.com/ Also try http://gaspricewatch.com Triple-A also has a gas price finder on their website
another exciting thread resurrection.... How much is gas price in your neighborhood and how much are you guys paying?
I just missed $3.79 by about an hour, so at the pump was $3.99 for regular one week ago. I did have $0.50 off a gallon, plus 10% cb on the card I used. So in total about $3.15 I filled up my c and also two 5 gallon containers. My PP is about 3/4 full so good for a bit. Last I purchased pump gas was about 4-5 months ago so I do not anticipate pumping for another 4-6 months (or longer) SEPA currently is $4.45 roughly atm.
$4.50 here, but i'm not paying it. put 3 gallons in a few weeks ago, and shouldn't have to fill up until next winter. i love my pip