Mice and snakes are getting into my 2019 Prime. A 3 foot garter snake, and 2 mice that died under the seats. I called Toyota. No clue, told me to call my dealer. The dealer service department looked when I took it in to have chewed engine wiring replaced already last year. They are clueless. We never leave the doors or windows open. The cabin filter now has a metal screen over it, but they still get in(It was all chewed up when I checked last year). There must be some opening underneath somewhere. I suppose I could put bright lights inside the car and jack it up on a lift.
Yes what Chapman said. I have done this several times on other vehicles get the metal screen for windows at you’re a local home-improvement store. Glue the metal screen over the vent. That should solve your problem. Heads up there are two vents one on each side. Also the vents blow out so put the screen on the inside. Usually the vents are pretty easy to remove. The vents are covered by your bumper. If you are able to get in there with a flashlight you should be a see little paw prints were they are getting in. The green Irish Spring soap will help cover up the pheromones I usually get a bar in cut it up into four pieces and put it throughout the car. I know it’s strange but it works!
Yep, we've been using chopped up Irish Spring soap in our RV's for years....helps keep the mice out of there. (Not sure about snakes, though!!) I'm SO glad snakes aren't a problem here in Colorado...we had king cobras in the Philippines and water moccasins in Georgia to deal with.
The only reason the snake may have found its way in there was to feed on the mice. In this scenario, the snake was the good guy.
Sorry for the loss of the snake. No expert on your model, but the GENII was noted for mice. And heard a radio report over the weekend that a major US automaker (think they said Ford, but I could be wrong) had hundreds of vehicles warehoused and waiting for parts (chips?) that were not available because of supply shortages and the rigs were invaded by mice doing many thousands of dollars in damage. Me, a few times a week, eight snap traps. Two at each wheel. Placed once it is dark and remove before morning light... Couple of days ago, caught four mice. Last night/this morning -- zero. It's a pain, but it works. I remove the traps before dawn, otherwise, birds will be caught...I used live traps for a number of years, but they just don't work as well, although I do keep two live traps out 24/7. If your rig is in a garage or something, I guess you don't have to worry about birds.