I have an issue with my 2020 Prime hood latch. It's never given that satisfying clunk when I pull the release under the dash, like my Gen 3 does. I figured it was an upgraded latch system. It's whisper quiet. But recently the hood doesn't come up at all....or just slightly. When normally there's enough room to get your fingers in there to manually lift the lever, it only seems to release partially now - I might be able to slide a shim in there. Probably just an alignment issue. If that's my only warranty repair, I'm happy. I'm interested if anybody has experienced anything similar.
I tried to check my oil the last time I bought gas, and the hood didn't lift at all. Frozen down. So I said "fine, no oil check for you" and drove home, and by then it thawed and popped up.
That's funny.....I had the same thing happen at the gas station. Then it opened fine after the ice melted. But today there's no ice, and it's been warm for a few days, and it happened again. I'll play around with it and see if there's anything I can adjust.
I have had the hood latch problem since day one, none of the warranty fixes ever fixed it. Now it just won't work unless two people are there, one to pull hood open, the other to hold the release.
I have a 2021 Prime and have the same problem.I pull the release and it seems that nothing happens.I go to the hood and have to put my fingers under the hood feel around and find the release and lift it up.Very annoying.Took my car to the dealer they said it was the weather (very cold here now) and no help.It seems the hood does not pop up like it did (and has done on other Prius models}.I guess I will try again in the summer.
Maybe I'll install a whoopee cushion under the front of the hood, with a little tube that goes back to a squeeze bulb next to the hood release in the cabin.
After fiddling with it, I've determined I can live with it. The two person process works. And when alone, I can get my fingertips into the crack between the hood and front panel, and firmly push up and back, and it pops. I'm still giving Toyota a 100% review on the 2020 Prime with no warranty repairs, so far. I get a lot of good-natured ribbing for driving two prii...and some bonafide flac. But with gas at $4.60 and climbing I've noticed a sudden change